Chapter Eighteen

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     Michael had fallen asleep on Calums bed with his twins by his side. It was only an hour later when Ashton had arrived. Frantic to see Michael he pushed himself past Luke when he opened the door. He was just worried for his friend, after reading his texts he panicked. He carefully opened the bedroom door. He looked in and saw his best friend and his kids sleeping peacefully. 

  Walking over Ashton could see the pain Michael was in even in his sleep. He kissed his forehead, smiling slightly when Michael made a face in his sleep. Backing out of the room he had gone straight to Luke. 

   "What happened?" Demanding answers from Luke. Seeing how serious the older boy was made him nervous. But all he could do was tell him the truth. 


   Michael woke up to an empty bed. Looking around he didn't recognize the room and started to panic. Did Adam get him? Where was Ashton? Where was his babies? Slowly getting up he made his way to the door. He opened the door and instantly heard Lukes voice. Remembering he was at his apartment he calmed down. Knowing he was safe he walked down the hall. His kids were next to Ashton. 

  "Daddy!" The small voice made Ashton look up from his phone. Ashton stood up and was next to Michael in an instant. Hands on his shoulders they looked into each others eyes. No words were spoken between the two as Calum and Luke just watched. Luke kept glancing over to the two kids on his couch to make sure they were okay. 

  Ashton took Michael into a hug and Michael has never felt safer. He felt safe around the other two but Ashton just made everything better. Sometimes, Michael wishes he fell in love with his best friend but he didn't. He loves Ashton, just not like that.

  "Do you want to talk about anything?" Ashton whispered into his ear. Michael slightly shook his head and Ashton didn't push anything. He just wanted to be the person Michael needed but he knew he couldn't be everything. Not when Calum and Luke entered both of their lives. Although, he promised Michael he would always be there for him, and he would keep that promise for the rest of his life. 

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