Chapter Sixteen

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  Michael was at work, watching his co-worker Jax ring up his customers. No one has came to Michaels lane yet which he was perfectly fine with. The store wasn't as busy today on this Wednesday evening. Making it more boring then usual. Luke was at work, but after work he was picking Michael up as they got out around the same time. The twins were at Calums. Ashton had work and couldn't watch them. Thankfully Calum had off today. 

  There were only a few hours left of his shift and he was out of here. He sensed something out of the corner of his eye. An older couple were now in his line, putting stuff up for him to ring up. He greeted them which they just smiled back. As he rang them up he could feel someone watching him. He brushed off the creepy feeling. Assuming that it was either the couple or Jax. The older man was paying as his wife was watching Michael intently.  

 "Have a good day," Michael said to the man as he handed back his money, smiling at him. The women was still watching Michael as her husband put the bags in their cart to take to their car. As the husband started to walk away the wife stayed. Michael was confused on why she was staying, "Ma'am is everything okay?" He questioned.

 She shook her head, "No dear, you just remind me of someone that is all," After her last word she walked away. Leaving Michael very confused. 


"How was work?" Luke asked as soon as Michael got into the car.

Michael rolled his eyes, "Annoying as always," He whined as he couldn't get his seat belt to work.

Luke let out a small laugh before reaching over and helping Michael. Michael sent him a small smile, as if he was saying thank you. Luke just nodded his head and started to drive. Michael wasn't sure what Luke intended to do today but whatever it was Michael was okay with it. 

Luke didn't say anything as he drove. They were long passed the apartments so Michael was not sure on what Luke had planned. Soon enough Luke pulled into a small diner. Michael got out as soon as Luke parked. Luke took his hand and gave it a small squeeze before walking into the diner with him. They were told to sit wherever, deciding on a small table in the corner. 

The two were enjoying themselves. Ordering their food, and just sitting around waiting. Michael went to go tell Luke something when the door let out a small ding. Letting the workers know another person has entered to be served. Michael looked up, being curious but quickly looked back down. 

"Michael? What's wrong?" Luke asked, instantly catching on to Michael acting different.

Michael was frozen in fear. This couldn't be happening. He was with Luke, and now Adam was going to ruin his night. Michael slowly pulled out his phone. Adam payed no attention to the area Michael was sat at which made him let out a sigh of relief. Michael quickly texted Ashton telling him that Adam was here. Luke was still watching Michael carefully, unsure of what was going on. Luke looked behind him, trying to see what was going on. Adam turned his head slightly, catching Lukes eyes with his own. His gaze moved to the left of Luke and he smirked. Seeing what was rightfully his, not liking that this guy was with his man. 

He got up making his way toward the table in the corner. Making sure he wouldn't leave without what was his. As he has been looking far too long for him. 

lol this sucks 

im thinking of going through and editing the story and making michael have no kids because i dont feel like they fit but then they do idk, do you guys like them in the story or should i take them out or maybe not have him have twins? 

although the chapter is short i hope you liked it :)

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