Chapter Nine - Settling For Second Best

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I walked out the school doors my right hand weaved in Ollie’s left, Jake was giving me a lift home and he was staying over as It was Friday, my brother wasn’t having a party tonight thank god. Speaking of my brother he hadn’t been home in a while, I was starting to get worried.

As I got to Jakes car, Mike was there leaning up against it waiting for me. I turned to face my gorgeous boyfriend wrapping my arms around his neck as his hands made there way to my hips. I leant my forehead against his and spoke barley above a whisper.

“You sure your okay with Jake staying, I can tell him he can’t anymore” I looked deep into his eyes, honestly I wanted him to say yes because I wanted to know he trusted me, however I knew he was having second thoughts.

He pecked my lips ever so gently, making me want more. “He stays every Friday, you didn’t even have to tell me and I would have never known but I trust you and I don’t wanna come between you and him, I don’t like the idea of you having a male best friend but I have to get used to it, I’d never make you choose between us. I trust you and him wouldn’t do anything” I couldn’t help but let a smile plaster over my face, I was so glad he said that because I didn’t wanna lose Ollie, even though I was pissed at Jake no matter what I’d choose him over anyone but I didn’t wanna choose between them two ever.

“You know that means the world to me, I’m glad you trust me” I pressed my lips against his, his tongue traced my bottom lip and immediately I opened up for him, gagging for him to deepen the kiss. He pulled me closer and my hands knotted in his sweaty hair as he was in the fitness suite last lesson but I didn’t care, I’d seen him sweater.

His lips kissed down my jaw line to my neck as if he couldn’t stop himself from kissing me “I’ll be round at about eight tomorrow night?” he muttered against my neck, sending a sensational shiver down my body, I wanted him badly.

“Okay baby” I pressed my lips against his once more, quicker than I wanted to because I knew if we kept this up I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off him. As I walked away his hand held mine and as soon as I was away from reaching distance his hand dropped. I huge smile was all over my face but I didn’t care how stupid I looked, I generally felt happy.

Standing in front of my brother, I stood with my hands on my hips “Where on earth have you been?” I sighed trying to keep the smile I had on my face, which was more difficult that I thought because when you felt so happy you didn’t wanna keep the smile off your face, you wanted to show the world that a special guy had made you feel like the happiest girl alive.

“I was at Liz’s” my mouth hung open, I didn’t know what to say, he knew that and began to explain “we spoke, she forgave me for cheating, she wants to give it another go” he sighed, he loved her. I knew he did but he messed it up because of one drunken night. “I told her I don’t know, I told her she’s knows what I’m like and that I think she deserves someone better, someone who wont hurt her.” Tears filled up in his eyes, I was shocked as he blinked them away, he never cried even when mum died he was the strong one, who held me and my dad who were in pieces.

“You could change Mike, if you really loved her you could change” I pulled him into a tight hug and he sighed and I knew he didn’t wanna talk about it anymore he just needed to get it off his chest “I’ve missed you.”

He chuckled faking a shocked noise before ruffling my hair “I missed you too kiddo” I looked up at him and he smiled before raising an eyebrow “You and Ollie then ey?” I giggled and was glad he had finally accepted it “I don’t like him but if he makes you happy that’s all that matters but ill kill him If he hurts you.”

I smiled and told what I thought was the honest truth “he wont hurt me.”

He chuckled before I leaned back against the car, we were now both waiting for Jake. Mike left his car at home which I was surprised about, that’s why I was worried but I didn’t think any thing of it until he wasn’t home this morning, I was used to him staying out but he used to call. I knew when he was with Liz he wouldn’t, me and her don’t really get on; I don’t know why, she just doesn’t seem to like me and would make comments about me being a social reject. She never did it in front of Mike, I knew if she did he’d chuck her in an instant but I didn’t want to be the reason they weren’t together after all they loved each other, you could tell by the way they looked at each other, the way my mum and dad used to when she was with us.

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