Chapter Twenty - Unwanted Visitors

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*Lily’s point of view*

I opened my eyes, stretching out my body and sitting up, excitement ran through my veins. Taking the glass of water which was placed on the small table to my left side, I gulped it down as I watched my nurse Juliet open the curtains. My eyes landed on the snow which was placed outside on the ground, it wasn’t deep but it still created a blanket of pure whiteness over the pavements, roads and nature. The big oak tree, that was located just on the other side of the window, gently swayed in the wind causing the snow to slowly fall off the branches and onto the ground. I smiled a small smile; I couldn’t wait to get outside of these four walls.

Two days ago I had seen Jake which had given me the strength to pull through this, not for anyone but him. Later that day Michael had stopped by to tell me that I was allowed to come home for Christmas. I would have been jumping around for joy but I still got tired easily and couldn’t walk far let alone jump, my body was getting stronger but I was still too weak to push myself.

“How are you feeling this morning?” Her voice was so welcoming, she smiled at me. I shot her smile back. My voice came out completely like my own now, it didn’t hurt anymore, I didn’t have to whisper.

“I’m okay and yourself?” I asked her back, I know I didn’t have to as it was her job but she had helped me a lot over my time here and I knew I had to come back to her so I didn’t want to leave with her thinking I was rude and I wanted to maintain the nice, peaceful patient and nurse relationship we had. 

“I’m okay, just tired.” She laughed a quiet laugh before taking the glass and putting it onto the tray which was on the chair by the door. She put a plate of chocolate spread on toast onto the table where the glass was.

“You work the night shift again?” I felt sorry for her, she told me she had a little girl. I knew what it was like to grow up without a mum, her child must hate not having her around to read her bed time stories and play with her, I sure in hell did.

“Sure did, get to go home and spend time with the family for Christmas now your going home for a few days.” I knew she didn’t say it to make me feel guilty but I still did. However she shot me her genuine smile and I knew she didn’t mind, followed by the words. “Thank you.”

I smiled back at her. “Why are you thanking me?” I was confused now. 

“You pulled through, I hate watching young people get hurt which is why I became a nurse, I wanted to help hurt children who needed looking after.” She looked at me, her eyes burning into mine, she was showing me she meant what she was saying. “Now I know that I’ve helped you live, I can know that I did something worthwhile this year, I can go home and enjoy Christmas with my family and know that you’re happy with yours, you’re my patient, I care for you.”

Tears swelled up in my eyes at her words, I was happy I had gotten better, even if my Christmas wasn’t perfect without my mum, least she could have her perfect Christmas being a mum. “It’s okay, I hope you have a good Christmas.” I smiled at her, she smiled back.

“You two sweetheart.” I placed my feet on the tiles of the floor, wanting to sit up. Juliet told me my clothes were placed on the chair next to me and that I had twenty minutes to get changed and ready to leave for a week.

I couldn’t help but feel a little better about everything but I think that was because it felt like the time I spent with Jake had changed and brightened my mood instantly, he gave me hope that everything was going to be ok. I was going to re-dye my hair when I was home and have a nice long shower - well for as long as I could stand up for which wouldn’t be as long as I wanted or needed. Jake promised me he’d never let anyone hurt me again, he said he’d protect me and prove to me he’s changed, I trusted him, so I believed him. 

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