Chapter Seventeen - Seven Long Weeks

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*Jake’s point of view*

I opened my eyes which didn’t feel heavy at all anymore due to tiredness, only due to the fact I cried daily, almost every second of everyday. I knew I had to start being strong as soon as I left this building, I knew I had to pretend I was ok when really I was dying inside more and more everyday without Lily being around, properly. I yawned, stretching my body completely - the bed was still uncomfortable and ridged against my back, even though I had been sleeping in it for the past seven weeks. I laughed a small, weak laugh to myself, it had officially been seven weeks, I was healed, I was alive. A little pain still shot through my body once in a while but I got used to it, I had to. I knew it would be gone soon but I couldn’t help but wish I was the one in the coma and Lily was alive. I know the pain I felt would have been a lot worse to her but least she would be conscious. Then again I don’t think I could, I don’t think I could live with myself if Lily was the one wishing I was alive, it would destroy her completely. Would she even be bothered though? She probably hadn’t even thought about me for the past six months, she probably had no clue in the world that I was waiting for her, that I needed her. She didn’t even know I had done this to her, would she forgive me if she did wake up? I cursed in my head - she will wake up, she will.

The swelling had gone down and all that was left was a little of the bruising which will also disappear in a few days, there wasn’t much left to show I had been in this accident at all, not like there was for lily. She had to wake up or all this healing I had done would be a waste of time, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if Lily didn’t make it.

I sat up and stretched once more before taking the water which I knew Lucy would have placed on the small metal table for when I woke up. Gulping it down, a pain shot down my throat but it wasn’t as bad as before, only a minor pain now so I could handle it, I just hoped it wouldn’t get worse again, even though the doctors said it wouldn’t, I still had nightmares, nightmares that suddenly I’d die and lily would wake up knowing nothing and wake up without me being there.

Putting the glass back onto the metal table, I got out of bed and slipped on the slippers they had given me, not wanting to let the skin on my feet come in contact with the cold tiles on the floor. I pressed the buzzer and just like I expected within seconds Lucy walked through the door.

Lucy was my nurse, she was gorgeous; light golden blonde hair, deep brown eyes. She was also hilarious, she made me laugh when all I wanted to do was cry. I finally got to explain myself about the whole ‘boner’ incident, we just laughed it off. We had gotten quite close to be honest, more than you usually would with a nurse but I didn’t mean in a sexual way, god no; she was married and my heart belonged to lily. I saw her more as an older sister being she was twenty-four and all, we even exchanged numbers because she wanted to know I was doing ok, and she wanted to be able to call me personally and tell me about how Lily was getting on when it wasn’t visiting hours.

“How’re you feeling today kiddo?” She spoke as if we were having a conversation not in a hospital, that’s what I liked about her, she tried to make me forget where I was. I reminded myself to thank her before I left, for everything she had done for me these past seven weeks. She did her same routine of opening the curtains letting the sun rays shine through the room making it a hell of a lot brighter like she did every morning. I chuckled and a smile spread across her face, knowing I was feeling healthier and almost completely better.

“Better thanks” I shot her a smile, “what about you?” I knew it was her job to ask me how I felt but I knew she cared, I could tell by the look in her eyes, she could understand exactly, I didn’t know how, or why; I didn’t ask either.

“I’m good thanks, going to miss your face around this place though, all the other patients are no where near as entertaining.” I chuckled at her remark causing her laughs to follow, we used to stay up late talking, almost every night. I told her about lily, and about my feelings. She called me the cutest teenage boy ever, always making me blush. I didn’t think I would ever blush, shows what love does to you; even when your male.

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