Chapter Eighteen - A Gentle Squeeze

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*Jake’s point of view*

“Jake, can I talk to you for a moment?” Dr. martin pointed towards the door as I followed him outside the hospital room where Lily slept peacefully however she wasn’t sixteen anymore though she was twenty-seven.

“Yes?” I muttered, wiping the tears from my eyes as I talked to the bald doctor in front of me.

“Were going to have to pull the plugs Jake.” His hand touched my shoulder but I brushed it off angrily.

“NO!” I screamed as my body violently shook as if I was a volcano ready to explode. “YOU CAN’T GIVE UP ON HER!” I shouted in his face, tears constantly flowing from my deep brown eyes.

“It’s been ten years Mr. Wright, she’s not going to make it.” Once he said my name like that, I knew I couldn’t do anything to stop it, I knew it was serious. I closed my eyes, covering my ears as much as I could with my hands that were a trembling mess like my whole entire body, not wanting to hear what he was saying. I felt my legs give up on me but as I waited for my body to hit the ground hard, it didn’t happen. Dr. martin’s arms were holding me up, stopping my body coming in contact with the floor. He helped me back into the room which held my sleeping angel. “You have ten minutes.” He said rather quietly as he placed me on the uncomfortable, faded green chair next to her bed which wasn’t new anymore and had been the chair I constantly sat on for two hours every other day for the past ten years. “I’m sorry it had to end like this.”

“You can’t do this! This is murder.” I tried to shout but towards the end my voice just turned into a helpless sob as he headed towards the door.

He looked at me, his dark blue eyes burning into my deep brown ones. “I’m afraid we have to.” He muttered as he shut the door behind him, leaving me alone with Lily for the last time - ever.

“NO!” When I finally managed to get my voice back I screamed so loud the whole hospital most likely heard me. “LILY WAKE UP!” I screamed even louder, holding her left hand in both of mine. I didn’t understand! She looked healthy, why wasn’t she waking up? “I love you lily, please.” I sobbed, talking barley above a whisper this time. “Please wake up.” My sobs gradually getting louder.

Suddenly the machine from my right started beeping uncontrollably. My eyes fixed on the screen. “NOOOOO!” I screamed louder as the door flew open and a bunch of doctors rushed in trying to make me move. I heard the noise I was dreading, the noise which haunted me in my dreams, the noise that would haunt me forever - the single long beep followed by a doctor stating time of death which told me her life had ended.

“NO, SAVE HER!” I screamed as I opened my eyes which were flowing constantly at high speed, my heart was pounding so hard in my chest it echoed through the door. I ran to the mirror my body shaking with fear. Running my hands through my hair, I sighed - it had been a dream, a horrible, terrible, nightmare. I was still eighteen, it didn’t happen I told myself.

As I crawled back into my bed, my head pounded in synch with my heart which was also pounding so violently in my chest. I unscrewed the lid of the vodka that was hiding under my pillow and took a swig, downing it like it was nothing but water - I was used to the taste now. I laid in bed for a while, casually taking gulps of the alcoholic drink which I had been drinking for the past week and a half non stop.

My bedroom door opened slowly, however it was all a blur to me. I didn’t bother looking up, I knew who it was just by looking at his socks and trousers, I didn’t bother taking my lips away from the only thing making me forget.

“Jake, what the fuck are you doing man?” I heard Mike’s voice, surprised because I didn’t think I’ll ever hear it again. I heard his footsteps walk over before he tried to pull the glass bottle out of my hands but I tightened my grip, holding it like my life depended on it.

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