Chapter Twenty-two - Together At Last

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*Jake’s point of view*

I woke up to the smell of her, the smell that makes me feel like I could do anything with it by my side and stuck to my clothes. My arms were wrapped around her thin, boney body; I was scared if I held her any tighter she’d break as easy as a twig as if I had just stepped on it with all my body weight. My fingers traced the bones which were slightly sticking out of her chest, since when was she so thin? I guess I didn’t take that into account when she was laying there so motionlessly in hospital. I didn’t take anything into account other than the fact I needed her to wake up and be mine.

I can’t explain how right it felt to have her sleeping so peacefully in my arms. Her eyes were shut ever so lightly, they occasionally fluttered before she fell into a deep sleep once more. Her faded red hair was sticking out in more places than one, scraping over her eyes which were closed but when they were open I could stare into them and nothing else forever.

I didn’t know I would ever feel this way about anyone. I never knew I’d fall in love. It was like I needed her otherwise my mind wouldn’t function probably, it was as if I couldn’t breathe when she wasn’t around. She kept me sane, she kept me alive.

I can’t explain how much not talking to her had killed me. I would see her around and not being able to run up to her and crash her lips on mine tore a whole in my heart. I should have protected her, I could have stopped this all from happening.

I was so stupid, so foolish. This was all my fault. Why did I sleep with Charlie? I don’t even know. She’s no where near as beautiful, funny, sexy, sweet and cute as Lily, she’s nothing compared to Lily - no one is.

My heart never failed to race in my chest whenever she walked into a room, my eyes never failed to show the love I had for her inside of me. Whenever she was around it was like my whole world brightened and I knew I’d be ok because I have her.

She whispered something in her sleep causing my line of thoughts to be interrupted, I didn’t catch what it was though. I brushed my hand against hers before placing a light kiss on her forehead before moving her off of me and getting up from the bed - the amount of times I’ve done this; slept with a girl and then got up from the bed the next morning and left her there to wake up alone and as if I never had been their in the first place. The amount of girls I’d played and used. No, this wasn’t what I was doing to Lily. I’m never going to be that stupid boy I was then, I’m going to be the man I am, her man - forever.

I quietly put on my boxers and jeans, not caring about walking around half naked like I lived here, I practically did as a kid. As Lily slept peacefully, I picked up my shirt which I was wearing yesterday and a clean pair of underwear from her draw and slipped them on her first. She wriggled her noise, causing me to jump back a little, she didn’t like getting woken up when she was asleep. When I decided she was back into a deep sleep, I put her arms into the sleeves of the shirt before doing up the buttons. It was a little big for her, but she looked sexy as hell in it, I loved it when she wore my t-shirts, it looked even bigger now she’d lost more weight. I started walking towards the door, I was going to cook breakfast for her; she needed to eat.

Turning around to look at her sleeping one last time, my heart raced in my chest, she was so beautiful, in more ways than one. Her breathing was a little heavier than when she was awake, she rolled over, half of her body out of the duvet as her leg hugged it. She went from taking up half the bed so I could get in, to taking up the whole bed, her arms and legs sprawled out all over the place. I chuckled before my deep brown eyes scanned over the clock which read eight am. I yawned I’m never up this early when I don’t have to be up the next day but then again we did go to sleep yesterday afternoon and when we woke up in the night, we made love another three times. I’d never thought I’d be the type of guy to say I have made love, its always just been sex to me. They aren’t kidding when they say love changes you.

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