Chapter Fourteen - Unable To Breathe

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*Jake’s point of view*

My blood and sweat covered shaky hands turned the key before I stumbled through my front door, I wiped the sweat from my face, growling in pain as my hand brushed a cut which was still oozing with blood. I wanted to finish want I started, I wanted to go back and find him. I wanted to kill him.

I didn’t mean for the fight to happen, I knew Lily wouldn’t have wanted me to but I don’t know what came over me. The way he looked at me like I was a piece of dirt, I just lost it. I couldn’t stand knowing what he had done to her, she didn’t deserve it but he made her feel like she did. I know she never said it but she blamed herself which made me so angry, how could she possibly blame herself? No body deserved that, especially not her. Thank god Mike was there or I’m pretty sure everything would have blown up dramatically and been a lot worse.

“Dude, order me a coke!” I shouted to Mike who was waiting in the line at MacDonald’s.

“Alright, you owe me two pounds then mate!” He shouted back causing one of the male workers to glare at him, a smirk escaped from his lips as he shot him a cheeky smile. Mike ever failed to make me laugh.

“Alright, you cheap bastered!” I chuckled as I got the glare this time; I ignored the rude looks I got from other members of the public as I let my eye scan around the seating area while waiting for him to get his food and my drink. The restaurant, if you could even call MacDonald’s that, was plain and looked like any other of its branches. The colour theme was matching the logo; red and yellow. There were four workers behind tills and tables and chairs scattered around the large eating space. 

I wasn’t hungry as I had eaten just before we met up. There were a few families in there also eating which immediately made me feel bad for swearing, knowing I wouldn’t like people swearing around my child, if I ever happened to have one.

My eyes suddenly widened as my gaze focused on the guy in the corner, instantly making my fists tighten; I felt my small nails dig into my palms as I was squeezing so tight. He didn’t even have the fucking right to show his face around here, the dirty rapist bastered.

I was staring at him so intensely I hadn’t realized Mike had sat down and put my drink in front of me. He swiped his hand in front of my face, “Back to earth dude.” He chuckled under his breath before tucking into his big Mac meal.

I shook my head, falling back into reality and ripped my eyes away so Mike was back in my line of vision, he was complete oblivious of the monster which was sitting a few tables away. “Mike.” I growled causing him to look up at me in concern and raise an eyebrow, which was his way of asking me ‘what’s up?’ I nodded my head towards the table Luke was sitting at laughing and joking as if he was a normal, good teenage boy. Mike’s eyes widened exactly like mine did as rage filled up inside of him and his eyes narrowed causing his face to redden, his hands clenched so tight, ketchup dripped down his hand and his burger was destroyed in an instant.

Luke got up, holding a girl’s hand who looked a few years younger than him -probably his next victim I thought to myself- and laughed with the other girl and guy they were with. I didn’t recognize any of them except for him, I’d always recognize his face, he destroyed my best friend and I would never, ever forgive him. I don’t know what came over me, Lily asked me to never say anything to him but I couldn’t help it, I wanted to - I had to. She wasn’t in my life anymore but I still wanted to protect her any way I could now he was showing his face around here again.

Mike muttered something under his breath, I didn’t exactly hear it as I was too distracted by my own thoughts but Luke sure did causing him to look in our direction and shoot us both a glare - a glare that instantly pissed me off more than I already was.

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