ch.73 Just like them

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I glanced up at Harry. His eyes looked blurry through the water trickling from the shower head. He ran his hand along my back, rubbing the bits of grass and mud. I snuck my fingers in his hair, playing around with his dark, floppy curls. His hair really wasn't all that curly anymore. And now, in the shower, it just flattened out around his face, emphasizing his defined jaw and the angle of his brows in contrast to the roundness of his eyes.

Maybe he had a few greyish-brown hairs, maybe there were a few permanent creases by his eyes and his grin line, but he was still beautiful. Yes, beautiful. I remember how terrified I was of his appearance whne I was a teenager; how his stature and the density of his arms and intensity of his glare used to scare me. I smiled up at Harry. He held my face in his hands and kissed me softly, tasting my tongue as though it were his personal dessert.

There was a knock on the bathroom door. Harry held his arms out, covering me in case someone popped in.

"Mom! We're hungry. When's dinner gonna be ready?" Des called. 

"I-in a minute, honey," I answered. 

"Ok," he sighed. I reached for the shower handles to turn the water off and dry up, but Harry held his hand over mine.

"Where you going so fast, baby?" he raised a brow.

I laughed lightly."Harry, the boy is hungry. I have to make him something to eat."

Harry crept closer to me, slipping his arm around my waist and tugging me to his chest. The tiny, curly hairs below his waist tickled my stomach lightly.

"He's 16. He can pop an Easy Mac into the microwave til we're done," Harry whispered, pressing his finger along my neck and curving around my breasts. 

"We're busy, Desmond, go make some Easy Mac in the meantime," Harry called. I shook my head casually and reached for the handle again.

I could almost hear Des fluster. "Dad? What are you doing in there? Wait. Nevermind," Des mumbled as he ran off.

Harry laughed. I pushed at his chest. 

"Great. Now he's completely embarassed," I exaggerated. 

Harry rubbed my back and hugged me. I stepped over Harry's feet and rested my head over his shoulder. He took my hand and we danced around slowly in our tiny little shower. 

"Darcy enjoyed Prom with Richie," I mumbled calmly. He was going to bring it up one way or another...

Harry's broad shoulders tensed up, then he took a deep breath.

"Can we just stick them in a bottle so that they can't grow up anymore?" he whispered by my ear. I kissed the tattoos on his upper bicep.

"I wish."

Harry grinned. He knew Darcy had spent the night with Richie. But he didn't know about Farah, yet. If I told him now, would he be overwhelmed? Or would it be best to tell him at this moment since he can't take his anger out in a shower?

"Harry," I spoke up. 

"Mmmm," he mumbled.

"Farah's growing up, too. She's almost my height," I began slowly, watching him from the corner of my eye.

"Yes, she's a mini version of you. So innocent, so cute," he smiled. 

I took a deep breath. I'd done this before, with Darcy, but that was years ago. And even more has happened in the past few months.

"Harry, Farah is a young lady," I told him. Harry smoothed my hair out of my face and looked down at me, smiling.

"What are you talking about? She's just a baby," he shrugged his shoulders.

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