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Gemma wiped a few stray tears from the corners of her eyes. For a moment, I could actually see the semblance between her and Sephora. Although I didn't see Sephora all that often, she and Des were really close and from the looks of it, Sephora had always been a simple girl. Gemma was a simple girl that liked to hide behind things, like frilly dresses and make-up.

"You have to tell Danny," I gasped.

Gemma choked on her tongue.

"I can't. He'll-he'll," she stuttered.

"Gemma, you have to stop this. You can't keep seeing Vince--"

"I know, I know, Angie," she nodded.

"Promise me you won't see Vince again," I asked of her, taking her hands in mine.

She nodded confidently. "I promise."

I smiled weakly.

"But Danny will find out-- one way or another," I reminded her.

She nodded hurriedly. "But not now."

"Gemma, you have to talk to Vince, convince him to leave you, leave town, anything," I told her, squeezing her hand as I held it in mine.

"But he's my boss. He's been my boss for decades. How am I supposed to get rid of him?!" she asked desperately. Her voice shook.

"Gemma, you are an amazing model. You can get another job with someone who respects you and your family," I told her confidently. She looked down at her lap and nodded.

"Maybe I should just stop modeling, focus on the kids...and Danny," she whispered.

"Well if that's what you want to do, then..."

"It is," she nodded. "Besides, I'm like a hundred in the modeling world. I'm ancient," she laughed nervously. I patted her back.

"Sephora could use your help with boys and Marco's a half step away from dying his hair blood red and tattooing his entire body," I teased.

Gemma swallowed hard.

"They've grown so quickly. And I've missed parts of it," she admitted regretfully.

I stood up, holding my hand out.

"Well you don't have to miss another sunset," I grinned, looking out over the horizon. Briefly, I recalled the first night I had stayed at Harry's apartment. It was the night he had been beaten by the cops and by Danny...But I told him I didn't want to waste another moment. Now here I am, married to him, the mother of his four children. I don't think I've "blinked," but that doesn't mean time has been kind to me.

"Danny sometimes says that," Gemma whispered, twisting her ring around her finger.

"Danny's a smart man," I nodded.


Gemma avoided Vince at all costs for the next few weeks. I know that for a fact because she came over to me and Harry's place nearly every afternoon. And if she wasn't with us, she was at home, with Danny and the kids.

I was at school, grading my students' work and preparing final grades. My kids were scattered all over Westwood. Des was at wrestling practice. J.D. was at home, babysitting Farah, who was probably in her room, coloring and describing love in very simple, but meaningful phrases. Darcy was shopping with some friends. Harry was at work and he would come home after his daily hospital visit.

Gabby leaned against the frame of my classroom. She crossed her arms over her chest.

"So Gemma's all squared away?" she asked casually.

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