ch.63 Natural habitat

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Harry and Des left swiftly, following behind Niall.

Farah and I excahnged glances.

"Well don't just look at me, Momma, let's go!" she nodded.

J.D. and Darcy ran downstairs, having heard the doorbell.

"We're going to the hospital," I announced.

Without a word, they all followed behind me. J.D. grabbed the keys and tossed them to me. Darcy handed Farah her coat, and we left.

The hospital was croweded as usual. But we weren't caught up in the hustle and bustle; we knew exactly where we were going and we were gonna get there

"Luxie," Harry whispered, kneeling down next to her. He rubbed her nearly completely bald scalp. She looked down self-consciously.

Ross, Lux's husband-to-be, was talking quietly with Dr. Blair. Sam was curled up on the couch, praying.

"Chemotherapy has been working, right?" Ross smiled weakly. Dr. Blair shifted uneasily, glancing down at his clipboard.

"I'm afraid not," he whispered so Harry and Lux didn't hear.

Ross laughed. "Come on, Doc.."

Blair glanced at me momentarily. "I don't want to forecast it too soon, but she only has a few--"

"Blair, she needs more orange juice," Harry interrupted.

"Oh. Ok," Blair mumbled. He went off to call a nurse.

"Luxie, I'm gonna make chocolate cupcakes for your wedding," Harry grinned, poking her tummy.  She smiled weakly.

"I can't eat chocolate, Harry," she reminded him.

Harry's smiled disappeared momentarily. "But they're my famous cupcakes, the ones I used to make you when you were little," he mumbled, stroking her cheek.

"I'm sorry, Harry," she whispered.

Harry sat upright.

"I need to speak with Blair," he declared, then he left the room to find the doctor. 

I knelt down beside Lux. Des and J.D. stood close enough together to look related, but too far to realyl care about one another. I wished Candy would just fly off the face of the planet and leave my boys alone. They're brothers for God's sake, not pawns in her chess game.

"Angie, I'm sorry Harry didn't tell you about me. I didn't know either," Lux insisted.

"No, no, Luxie, I don't care about all that," I nodded, taking her hand in mine. All that was in the past. If anything, I loved that Lux was Harry's daughter. It meant that she finally knew who her father was and Harry had an excuse to spoil her.

"My mom tended to lie a lot and I guess it was to protect me, but look where I am now," Lux shrugged. Sam sighed guiltly in the corner of the room. The kids all mumbled to each other, unsure what to do or say.


"No, Angie, I need to say these things. I don't have much time left."

"Lux Teasdale Styles, you are not going anywhere, do you hear me?!"

Lux stared up at my eyes. Her tear finally streamed down her cheek.

"Styles," she whispered. Her eyes grew wide, encompassing all the hope she had left. "I'm a Styles."

Her grip loosened. Her lips parted and her eyes closed. The heart monitor went blank.

"Lux," I called. No answer. "Luxie, come on, now."

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