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I swallowed hard.

Harry took slow, husky breaths, causing a roller of heat to fire up and down my spine.

I crossed my legs tightly. If he's going to have the nerve to send me into a whirlwind from half way across the country, then I'm gonna have a little fun with him.

"Who is this?" I teased casually.


"Who is this I am speaking to at (I checked the clock)...12 in the morning?"

Harry laughed lightly.

"Angie, come on--"

"I'm sorry sir, I do not appreciate inappropriate phone calls at this hour of the night. I am a married woman" I told him confidently.

"Married?" he gasped in pretend astonishment.

"Yes, sir"

"Well, Angela, I do not appreciate that you forgot I am your Italian boyfriend, Aroldo" he played along. (His Italian accent was horrible but the way his deep tone of voice cracked made my belly warm.


"I can make you remember" he offered temptingly.

I held my breath. Harry started making terribly seductive purring noises. I shut my eyes and took a deep breath.

"Well, 'Aroldo,' my husband, Harold, is a cop in training so he'll beat your ass if he finds out you're chatting me up in the middle of the night" I warned calmly. I toyed with a piece of my hair, having way too much fun teasing him.

Harry grew very quiet, almost silent.

I grinned triumphantly.

"Not before I spank your ass first" he threatened.

My mouth hung open.

The receiver beeped. Harry had hung up. He goddamn hung up after our mini phone sex session.

I grabbed Harry's pillow and stuffed it over my face. Damn Harry. Damn his raspy voice. Damn his poisonous loins.


I took the kids to school the next morning. It was very difficult doing it all by myself when Harry and I had gotten so used to our routine. But, the kids were surprisingly helpful (well, all of them except Des). Darcy offered to do dishes and made her own lunch.  J.D. cleared the table when we finished.

Today, I wanted to go see Nonna again and also pay a visit to Becky and Tony to see how they were coming along...I also wanted to somehow ask if she and Tony were still even though she was heavily pregnant. Becky would probably tell me a straight 'yes' or 'no,' along with some visual details I didn't want. I always have and will continue to appreciate her teasing and brutal honesty.

Before I left, I tried to get in some writing time. I scrapped my old story idea about the Greek Mythology; it sounded too much like the Percy Jackson series.

I sat there at my desk for about an hour, adjusting the font and page marigins. Absolutely no ideas were coming so I decided to get my hands busy to help my mind open up.

I ended up doing every ounce of housework possible but nothin was coming. I trudged up to the bedroom and fumbled through the closet. There was something black and dusty in the corner. I reached for it.

It was made of leather but it was too tiny and thin to be an item of clothing...but there was a bra piece.... My eyes widened. It was my old Officer Angie uniform. 

My cell phone rang. It was Harry.

"Hello?" I purred.

"Bonjourno, bella" he grinned.

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