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"HARRY!" I screamed.

I grabbed a robe and tugged a pair of sweats on.

Harry ignored me and walked down the hall so calmly, it scared me a thouand times more than had he run. He clutched his brand new gun, craddling it close to his side.

"Harry, wait, please don't hurt him" I pleaded, reaching desperately for his arm.

Harry shook his head. His eyes stared forward, almost as if under a trance.

"Momma?" a soft voice called.

I gasped.

J.D. stood behind his bedroom door, half hiding behind it.

"Honey, go back to bed" I told him quickly. My voice quivered.

"Where's daddy going?" Darcy mumbled. She rubbed her eyes and stood beside J.D.

"Dad?" Des asked.

Oh God.

Harry turned around. He swallowed hard.

"Go to bed" he ordered.

Des' eyes widened as he saw the gun gripped tightly in Harry's hand. Then he nodded feebly and headed back to his bed.

"Daddy, you forgot your clothes" Darcy giggled lightly. 

Harry looked down at his boxers and bare feet. He ignored the comment and toyed with the bullets in the gun, snapping them firmly into place.  

"Daddy?" Darcy mumbled. Harry had never turned his back to Darcy. Never. "Daddy!" Darcy squeaked. She ran frantically to Harry, but I scopped her up before she got to him.

"Baby, go to sleep" he told her firmly.

"Daddy" she whimpered softly to Harry. "Are you mad at me? Please don't hurt Richie. He didn't mean to kiss me" she shook her head hurriedly. Her curls flopped against her cheeks.

Harry's fists tightened. He had briefly forgotten about Darcy getting her first kiss but the reminder nearly made him twice as pissed. (If that was even possible).

He turned away from Darcy and reached for the front door knob.

"Your daddy's just going out for a jog" I smiled weakly at J.D. and Darcy.

"What is the gun for?" J.D. mumbled.

"Daddy, please--" Darcy whispered.

"GO TO YOUR ROOMS!" I screamed.

They all trembeled slightly. My mouth hung open. I had never raised my voice at the kids. Never this loud. They swallowed hard and turned away hurriedly, hiding behind their door, but still listening carefully.

I took a deep breath and clutched my stomach as tightly as Harry held his gun.

The door bell rang. The entire house fell to silence. I swallowed hard, praying it wasn't who I thought it was.

Harry opened the door. A slow, dangerous grin curled onto his face. I swallowed hard.

"Niall" he smiled.

Niall stared at him.

"Harry, I--"

"Let's talk outside, Niall, that way, your blood won't smear on my lawn" Harry laughed lightly.

My stomach twisted. No, not my stomach, the baby. The baby could feel my pain.

Niall choked on his spit.

Harry pulled him closer and walked with him, keeping his hand on Niall's shoulders.

"Harry" I squeaked.

Til Kingdom Come [Harry Styles- Bk 4]Where stories live. Discover now