Tape and a broken Vase

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"Maya, you've waited so long for him! Why give up?"
Riley and I were sitting at lunch, her eating and me finishing last nights math homework.
"I.... If- Okay, let's say you and Lucas aren't dating. But you both like each other, and you both know it. But, Lucas starts dating another girl. Would you want to sit back and watch the guy you thought would wait for you kiss another girl?"
"No. Oh, can her name be Ana? I really like the name Ana" She said with a smile.
"You, Riley Matthews, are no help" I said with a scoff.
"She can be of help. Usually" Zay said. He sat down, Lucas and Farkle followed, Farkle settling next to me and Lucas picking a spot next to Riley.
"Although she does mess up. Everyone does. Even Josh" Lucas said.
"How did you-"
"He's the only thing you talk about anymore, Maya" Zay said.
Is that true? Was I so infatuated with this boy that he's the only thing I talk about? Oh, a new big word! I'll tell Farkle later.
"Oh, stop. Let's change the topic. How did you guys do on the Language Arts test? I got a 90" Riley said, clearly proud. I could tell Farkle was holding back his comment, most likely about his 100.
"I bombed it. As I always do. I even studied!" I said.
"Maya, watching TV with your study guide next to you is not studying. Maybe if you tried, you would pass" Lucas said.
"Blah blah blah. Why do you guys all think I'm good at something? I'm obviously not even good at listening. Just give up hope for me" And I wasn't joking. That was really how I felt. All these people, with bright futures to match my friends, and yet they chose me.
What a stupid decision. You can't tape together a broken vase.

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