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After Topanga and Cory (shockingly!) won the game, Lucas and Farkle came to get me and Riley for a trip to the roof.
"Hey. You ready? I heard it's going to snow, and I really reallyyyyy wanna see it" Farkle said, slipping my coat on me.
"Yeah. And I'm sorry. Really. For pushing you guys away, for thinking I wasn't good enough. I shouldn't have done that"  They hugged me, and smiled warmly at me.
"It's ok. People make mistakes, it's just life" Lucas said. Rileys hand intertwined with his, and we all trotted up to the roof.
"Okay, I brought some cocoa and cookies because why not. And some blankets. And some waters too" Riley said.
We all laughed, and snuggled up underneath the knit blankets, that smelled a little too much like pasta.
"When did it say it was going to snow?" I asked Farkle, resting my head on his shoulder.
"Any minute. Maya, are you really that cold?" He asked.
"What? I'm fine"
"You're shaking!" Riley said, feeling me.
"Oh" I knew exactly why. Because Josh kissed me. Because he told me he would wait for me. Because that's one more stable thing in my life.
"Maya?" Asked Lucas. They all looked at me with expectant eyes.
"I-Me and Josh... We kissed"  Riley squealed and tackled me with hugs so hard I stumbled over.
"Maya that's great!" Lucas said.
"You know, kissing carries diseases, so he might've-"
"FARKLE" Riley said sternly. He smiled sheepishly, then congratulated me.
"What was it like?" Riley asked.
"It was amazing. We were hugging, and then he leaned in, and he kissed me. It was so soft! Did you ever wonder what his lips tasted like? I did. Honey. They taste like honey" I said, soaking in every memory.
"Okay. To much detail. I've never wondered, nor have wanted to know what my uncles lips taste like" She said, a disgusted smile on her face.
"Hey guys, look" Farkle punted at the falling snowflakes.
"Wow. They look like glitter" Riley said. We all huddled even closer, enjoying the warmth, and stared at the snow. Riley tried to eat a few, and we had to take turned holding our hands over her mouth so she wouldn't.

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