Red Note

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The next day at school, I stayed away from my old friends. I made sure to eat away from them at lunch, but also sat with other people, so I don't make them feel bad. Sometimes I'm afraid they'll come for me, but they never do.
I was sitting in Math, a class none of my friends were in, when a note was put on my desk. A brunette with blue eyes motioned to a boy at the back of the class, who had his head down, but his face was obviously bright red.
I opened it, and was so shocked I could've gasped.
He was asking me out! I blushed, folded the note up neatly, and stuck it away in my binder. It was the only thing I could think about for the rest of the class. The day, really.
"Hey Maya" Riley was at her locker, right next to mine.
"Hi" I said it in a friendly tone. I wasn't mad at her, besides, she looked frustrated.
"What's that?" She asked, noticing the red note from math.
"Oh, it's nothing"
"Maya, please stop. Come back to us! You're not holding us back. If anything, we don't deserve someone who care so much for our future that you give us up. We love you!" She said. Her eyes shined with hope, and a smile was spread wide across her small face.
"I want to. I truly do"
"Then why can't you?"
I was at a loss for words. I have been lying to myself, saying this had nothing to do with me.
But it did have something to do with me. I can't be around the niece of the guy who hurt me. He's always around her.
"I- I got asked out. That's what the note is. And I might just say yes" I told her. And that was the end of our conversation.
But, telling her that would bite me in the butt. If only I knew.

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