Time is ticking

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So, you might've thought Topanga  said that, for people who don't watch cheesy movies on the daily.
No, Josh said it. Told you telling Riley I got asked out would bite me in the butt.
"Riley!" I yelled through my teeth.
"So, should she say yes?" She went on. I could feel the annoyance coming off of Josh, like heat waves.
"I-This is news. What is he like?" Topanga asked, setting her mug down. Cory walked into the room, extra blankets in his arms.
"What'd I miss?" He asked, a stupid smile plastered on his face.

Me and Josh sat at the bay window, an eerie silence looming between us.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He finally said.
"Why am I obligated to?" I didn't look him in his perfect blue eyes. I knew if I did, I'd melt.
"I just thought..."
"Josh, I said I'm not going to put my life on hold. You can date, I can date. And when you're ready, we'll talk. So why are you upset?" I honestly wanted him to tell me then and there he still liked me. I wanted to lean in and kiss him, and for him to tell me she meant nothing. That she was nothing.
He got up, and left. Not the reaction I wanted.
"STOP!" I screeched. I had enough.
"What?" He stepped into the room, clearly confused. Something was burning inside me. Something I couldn't hold in.
"I like you. Okay? And, I-I'm sorry I didn't tell you before, and that I pushed you away. That's what I do! I get close to someone, and then I push them away. Because I get scared. Scared they'll make me love them, then they'll pack up and leave. And I didn't know what I-"
His arms were around me in an instant, and I was engulfed in his smell of timber and ink.
"Maya, I know you like me. And I know you're scared I'm going to leave. But, that's not going to happen. I'm here for you" His warm breath hit my neck as he whispered the words I've longed to hear.
"You-Your hair smells nice" It didn't even sound like me. It sounded like the shell of a girl I once was. I've let my walls down for this boy. This- This son of a bunny. This brown haired uncle who stole my heart.
"Thanks. Maya, I want you to know that I'm waiting for you. No one else. Just you"
"Huh. I've never- Really? Are you sure? This isn't some, heat of the moment thing? You mean it?"
He laughed. His eyes sparkled, and his mouth flaunted shiny white teeth.
He hugged me again, but before pulling away, he lightly pressed his soft lips to mine. We stayed there for who knows how long. It could've been minutes, but I didn't care. His lips tasted like honey, fresh from the combs.
"Why do your lips taste exactly like I imagined them to?" He asked once we pulled away.
"A little stalker ish, don't cha think?" I commented, tucking my loose hair behind my ear.
"No. I don't think. Because I know you've been smelling my hair" He smirked.
"Hmmmmmm. I dunno, it kind of smells like the little mermaid shampoo Riley uses. Hey Riles, can you come here?!" I shouted. His face turned red as I laughed.
"Maya Hart. One of a kind" He smiled.
"And, you caught me. You sir, are really something"
He blushed, and we walked out of the room, not holding hands, not feeling awkward. Happy. Elated, even. To know we're here for each other, when the time is right.

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