Think again

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Listen, I didn't want to be in this situation.
It just happened.
I wouldn't call it fate. I would call it an annoying best friend.
"Riley" I said, after I dragged her from her super hot uncle.
"This is not okay. Why???? I told you not to meddle"
"I know you did. He actually called first. I just brought up the subject of him coming to see you"
"Riley, this isn't funny. I can handle my own life"
"Maya, I know you can. I just think you can use some help" She gave me a smile and put her hands on my shoulders.
"No. I can do this on my own. We made a deal, and I want to keep it that way" I said, shrugging of her hands.
I walked out of the living room, and back into her room, where Lucas, Farkle, and Zay had appeared.
"Maya, why's he here?" Lucas asked.
"Just leave. All of you"
Everyone filed out the door, but I grasped someone by the collar.
"Hey. I don't want to be here, so if you could let go of me-"
His words hit me hard, and I was afraid I would lash out at him.
"Oh. Yeah, I just wanted to know why your here. Why you came, if your so disinterested" I said. We sat at the bay window, the sunlight making his blue eyes sparkle.
"I.. I'm dating someone"
To be honest, I was expecting something like this. And I have a feeling it's the girl from the lodge.
"Is it that girl from the lodge? She seems nice. Also, very pretty. Who knew you could get someone that good"
He looked taken aback, as if he wanted me to be sad.
"Well, thanks. For being so understanding. I thought, since our whole agreement-"
I scoffed.
"Josh, this thing isn't working for me. I don't want to wait for you, and you obviously don't want to wait for me. So let me move on like you did, and if you ever want to try to be with me, call me" I got up, gave him a hug, and walked out. It took all my strength to say those words, and I felt like I should run back in there, apologize, beg even. But I couldn't. I wouldn't. I'm not going to wait for someone who won't wait for me. And I know, some will criticize me, and say I've waited so long for Josh to like me. So why give up now?
I'm not going to sit around and waste my years on a guy who won't do the same for me! If he wants to sit around and wait for me, I'll sit around and wait for him.

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