Charity Love

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I had left lunch early, and hid in the restroom until 4th period. No one came for me, and my guess was they already found someone new.
Good. That's what I wanted. I don't want Riley to hold back on her skills to help me. Or Zay and Lucas to stop playing baseball to tutor me in math. I don't want to hold up anyone's life.
Not even Jo-
"Maya?" A small voice came from the outside of my stall.
"Riley, leave me be"
"It's Smackle. They said you got upset"
"Oh. That's- nice of you. But I'm okay. Pooping, actually"
A dead silence spread over the room.
"Okay. Well, do you want me to tell Matthews that you won't be in class"
"No. And can you not tell the others. That I'm here? Please" I whispered the last word. It felt odd, talking to a girl who I never speak to. Talking to someone who to me was just Farkles girlfriend.
"Yeah. Anything else?"
"No. Thanks. A-and watch them for me, won't you? Don't let them forget they don't have to be good all the time"
I heard a sigh and then a door opening and closing.
It hurt to say those words, but I felt it had to be done. Really, what right did I have to call these people my friends? They were so nice, so smart, so easy to listen and quick to forgive. Me? I'm to total opposite. I don't care if I've just been a charity project in their minds, I care for them. And some might say that I'm giving up the only love I have, but it's for them. Not for me, or because I'm being stupid, or because I want attention. It's for them.
I gathered my things, and headed to my locker. I had to get out of here.
I packed my books in my bag, then called the only person I knee I could count on agreeing with me.

Okay, sorry this chapter is short, but I have some news.
I HAVE A BOYFRIEND!! So expect my love writing to get better, because I'll have some knowledge. I really like him❤️

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