I'm So Done

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A/N: Trigger warning - Attempted Drug Overdose, this is another emotional one but it's not as emotional as "Take Me Home"....

Demi's POV

Pill after pill I popped into my mouth. I was done with my life. I had just gotten in a fight with Justin three days ago and he said he hated me and wishes he never met me. My parents resent me. I have no friends and everyone hates me. I wrote my suicide letter and placed it on the table by the door for anyone who cares enough to check on me. I'm sitting on my bathroom floor taking all the tablets I could possibly find. I just wanted to die. I already took about 50 pills and was feeling light-headed. My life was fading away with every pill. I was about to let go when I heard someone burst through the bathroom door. There was Justin with tears streaming down his face and yelling for me to stay with him. He grabbed the pill bottles and threw them against the wall farthest from me. He pulled out his phone and called the police. That was the last thing I remembered before darkness took over me.

*A month later*

I heard a beeping noise coming from my right and I tried to open my eyes. For some reason I couldn't open them. I heard sniffling coming from my left but I couldn't tell who's crying. Who's crying for me? I thought. The door suddenly opened and someone walked in, closing the door behind me.

"Mr. Bieber?" the person said, I guessed it was the doctor.

"Yes?" I heard him say and a chair scrape the marble floor.

"Demi's been in a coma for a long time now. Now I know you've been here everyday for a month but we're going to have to take her off of life support. I know this is a difficult decision so I'll give you until tomorrow to make your decision."

Wait! I've been in a hospital for a month?! And Justin's been here everyday? I thought. The doctor said opening the door and exiting. I heard sniffling and shuffling to the side of the bed. My hand was grabbed and brought to what feels like a mouth. Justin pressed his lips to them and then gently placed my hand back down.

"Baby, if you can hear me, please open your eyes. I need you. I love you," Justin cried silently, stroking my cheek. I tried to open my eyes and succeeded. A line of bright white light shined through my lashes and into my pupils. I wearily opened my eyes and saw Justin crying on my bedside. I reached my hand up and touched Justin's hair. He swatted my hand away thinking it was a fly but realized that his hand came into contact with soft skin. He looked up and saw me staring at him.

"Sweetie, you're awake," he said like I was a ghost.

"Yeah, what happened?" I asked sitting up straight.

"I-I found you on the bathroom floor w-with empty pill bottles. I called the police and they took you to the hospital. When I-I got to the hospital they told me that you were in a coma. I've been here everyday for the past month hoping you would wake up. D-Demi, why did you try to kill yourself?" Justin said in a shaky tone.

"Justin. I tried to kill myself because I'm worthless and shit and everyone hates me. You even said so yourself." I replied, tears blurring my vision.

"Baby I'm so sorry I caused you to do this. I love you. I promise I will never do anything to make you want to do this. I will wake up every morning, make you breakfast, and tell you I love you." he said looking deep into my eyes.

"I love you too," I said, meaning it from the bottom of my heart, pulling him in to kiss me.

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