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Demi's POV

I remember walking home with a bag full of groceries from the supermarket. Tomatoes, lettuce, rice, carrots etc.... and a pregnancy test. I call back thinking about the awkwardness I was going to create when I announce that I think I'm pregnant to my boyfriend. Me and Justin had been going out for some time now. Me and him had been discussing about how we should take the relationship slow but we still moved in together, and that's why I was so nervous to tell him that I could be carrying his baby. I opened the door and walked in bravely, I acted like nothing new happened, I just went to the shop, to buy 'groceries'. 

 "Hey baby, you got stuff for dinner tonight?" he had said whilst picking his nails, concentrating on the sports game on our TV, he was lazed across the sofa.

"Yep, all organic."

I walked through to the kitchen and on my way there I had slid the pregnancy test out of the brown paper bag and sneakily shoved it in my pocket.  

 I barged the brown bag down on the counter and sighed. I was so scared of Justin's reaction. What if he left me and never came back? I wouldn't know what to do with myself if he left me.

I remember hearing his footsteps and then suddenly his strong protective arms wrap around my waist, anxious that he might of felt the test in my jeans pocket. He pecked on my cheek and then had turned me around, passionately kissing me on the lips. 

 "You know I still love you Demi."

"What do you mean Justin?"

"About our 'talk' a few days ago, about taking the relationship slow.... you've seemed, quiet since we made that decision."

"Justin, I'm totally fine with it. It's just...just that.... I-I dont feel very well. I think it's the fever." 

 "Awww my baby will be alright, won't she?" I remember him questioning, rubbing my back, my body still in his arms as we faced each other. So much had been going through my mind, he totally thought the opposite of me!  

 "Demi?" He awaked me from my deep thoughts. I hesitated to his question.

".... Y-yeah." 

 He gave me a warm smile and walked back through to the sports game he was watching, whilst I started making our dinner. 

 I remember thinking about when I was going to announce them two words whilst I was stirring, them two words, that could've changed everything.

I was making homemade organic tomato soup. I had poured the soup into two bowls and placed them on our dining table. 

 "Justin, here we go!"

I recall him walking through with a grin on his face, he yelled in delight.

"Oh gosh Dems! You know I love your tomato soup..."

He quickly pecked me on the lips and sat down, I did too.  

 I remember that awkward silence we had, even though me and him are always talking about something.

Justin laughed, "There's something seriously wrong with you Demi! You're always chatting!" I had gave him a small smile, but I felt too sick to do anything, I pushed my chair out of the table whilst Justin was still eating.  

 He had noticed, "Baby, you okay?" He paused what he was doing and rushed over to the other side of the table, and rubbed my back. "It's okay..."

Sudden sick urges started to happen in my stomach, I turned away from Justin and rushed to the bathroom. I kneeled beside the toilet, and finally let it all out.  

 Justin walked in on me, and frowned, he had came over and patted my back again. When I had finally finished, he pulled me up and gave me a huge bear hug.

"Awwww, my girl's not well..."

I cried in his chest, as he embraced me, but suddenly he pulled away, so he was only holding on to my waist. 

 I had knew what he was going to say, I couldn't let him say it... I had to...

"Demi, I know this might sound craz-"


I placed my finger across his lips to let myself speak, "I know what you're gonna say, yes. Yes I am Justin... I-I'm pregnant. I got another pregnancy test to make sure I am for sure." 

 I let go of him as he had just stood there, with no facial expression. I had known from the start he would've been like this.

"So you're just gonna stand there!"

I shrugged my shoulders and sighed. I looked into his eyes, and had saw no hope. 

 I backed away from him, and slammed the bathroom door behind me. I had run downstairs crying my eyes out and had threw myself on the couch, having a tearful tantrum.

Ten minutes had gone by, I positioned myself across the sofa, my head on the pillow with the cover around me, not a sound had come from Justin upstairs.

But I call back hearing them quiet footsteps walk downstairs, I pretended to fall asleep as I had heard him come through. He took a seat beside me and twirled at my hair.

"Baby... I'm shocked... I'm delighted...Demi, you don't know how much I've wanted a family, I was speechless. I never wanted you to think I didn't want this! I love you, and I always will...I'm so happy about this, let's be a family."

He had leaned in and kissed me on the forehead, then the stomach. I slowly opened my eyes and smiled, "I love you too. I can't stay mad at you J." I leaned up and his lips moved onto mine.

 Later that night, I tried the pregnancy test and it was definitely positive. Me, Justin and our little baby growing inside my stomach were going to be a family.


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