The Shooting

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I held onto Justin's leather jacket tighter, the night was dark and quiet. "Justin, maybe we should turn back," I tugged him.

"Relax, beautiful. Nothing's gonna happen," He smiled. There was only one street light, flickering very dimly at the ground. There was soft clatter which gave me a quite a fright.

"Hey, relax. It was just a cat. We're nearly there."

We walked, hand in hand, my body against his. Tuckerson Street. "No! Justin!" I whispered tightening my grip.

"Hey, listen to me," He halted turning to face me and held my shoulders looking deep into my eyes, "Just because something happened years ago, doesn't mean you should be afraid of overcoming it. I'm sure he wouldn't be there, it's been 3 years."

I hesitated, I didn't want to go back there. "But...he hurt you and, Justin." I stomped my foot, he laughed softly.

"He was just a misunderstood teenager who needed money, and it was an accident that he....well that he stabbed me. Just relax, I won't let anything happen."

Knowingly I gave up, my grip tightened on his jacket, my eyes widened and looking around to spot anything curious. There was a noise, but it wasn't something bad, it was laughter. A pair of drunken ladies with dresses barely covering their ass walked over to us.

"Ooh, this one's m-mine. Fancy a sh-shag, love?" One asked, obviously drunk. Justin laughed softly, "No."

I smiled keeping in a laugh, "What you laughin' at?" The other woman asked.

"Nothing," I blinked furiously, trying to find her eyes under all that smoky eyeshadow and over lengthened eyelashes.

"Hmm," They both walked off, stumbling on top of one another before they managed to hit the floor, laughing loudly. "Oh, Georgie. Not again!" The taller girl burped and laughed, snorting as well. One seemed to have broken her heel.

"Poor girls," Justin whispered.

"You actually feel bad for them?"

"No, they're just drunk as hell. Probably sleep in their own vomit, since they won't remember where they live," Justin smiled down at me.

"Where are we here exactly?" I asked, curious as to why Justin hadn't told me anything.

"There's a lovely restaurant and bar down the street, thought I could take you there,"

"And you chose not to go by car because...?"

"Because there are no roads here, Demi."

I stared in the midst, looking at him. My eyebrows crossed and I stared him down, "Shut up," I groaned, he pushed me against the side of his chest and held my waist resting his head on mine.

"You're so stupid," He laughed.

There was a loud clink from behind us, I turned around and saw nothing there.

"Stop overexaggerating, there's no one here." Justin said. A loud bang and shriek came, distant but loud.

"Justin!?" I was getting freaked out at this point.

We both turned around this time. "Georgie!" The voice was familiar.

"It's those drunken girls from before, they probably fell again."

"Yeah," I laughed nervously, clearing my throat and quickening my pace.

"No need to rush, it's a beautiful night. Look at the sky, you're always saying we should go for long walks in the dark, just enjoy it," Justin smiled.

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