Cheater Part 3

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Final part

"W-what?" was all she managed to whisper. Her eyes widened, bloodshot, crying. I just looked down, trying my best to keep my composure.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I whispered. She was frozen. Wasn't moving at all. The only sign of her being alive was her hot breath, as she was breathing slowly.

"Y-you cheated?" she whispered after a while. I looked up at her, and then down at my hands and nodded.

"W-why? I trusted you when I sent you to the club alone." She whispered, she was only whispering, not shouting like other girlfriends normally do. Plus she was sick, so it was getting harder for her.

"I know, I know! I didn't wanna let you down! But I just took some shots, this girl came and I was completely wasted and out of it! I told her I had you but she didn't care! I'm so sorry! I don't wanna loose you, that's why I told you everything! The guilt was KILLING me!" I started shouting. It wasn't that I was angry at her, I was shouting because I was hating myself at the moment.

She kept quiet for a long time, I rested my face in my hands as I sobbed.

"I can't lose you, Demi. I'll die without you. Please. Please try to understand." I whispered, my head still in my hands.

She still kept quiet, not speaking. There was silence for about 5 minutes. I thought she had left. I couldn't feel anything, I felt like nothing. I felt like I was already dead. That was until I felt a warm hand rest on my shoulder. My head snapped as I turned and saw her, her eyes were red and bloodshot from crying. She sighed and slightly smiled at me. I was too shocked to speak. I stared in her eyes, trying to believe it was all real, not a dream.

"Thank you for being honest." she whispered through the tears. I sobbed wildly as I pulled her in a tight hug.

"I don't deserve you. You deserve so much better." I kept repeating this over and over.

"It's okay, Justin. I know you regret it. Now stop crying over it. Let's pretend like it never happened. Okay? Now let's go out and get some ice-cream if that makes you feel any better?" she suggested, wiping the tears away from my face. I held her hands tightly against my lips as I kissed them.

"Laying in bed and taking in your beauty would make me feel perfect." I whispered. I stepped a little closer to her. When our lips were centimeters apart, I whispered. "I love you."

I pulled her in and kissed her passionately. She kissed back, which made me smile in the kiss. I love her, and always will.

"I promise to never make such a stupid mistake ever again." I said when we pulled apart. She put her hands on the back of my neck.

"You better not." she laughed as she pulled me in for another more passionate, kiss.

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