Our Child's Creation #1

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"Mommy, how much time?" our son whined, standing on a chair, looking outside with an excited smile. He had been standing there for few hours, brown eyes focused to a snowy driveway Justin would be driving any moment now. Our son had been missing him since he left for tour, and he couldn't be happier that his daddy was returning to home.

"Not much longer, love," I smiled, looking at his impatient, excited smile. He was almost jumping up and down, wanting the time go faster.

"Do you think daddy will like his trophy?" our son asked with a worried voice.

His chubby toddler hands were clutching the windowsill tightly when he eyed the trophy he had made from silvery paper, toilet rolls and different kind of glitters and sparkles he found. I smiled, seeing how worried he was. He looked like Justin when he did that, brown hair pointing to different directions and eyes widen and wild.

"I'm sure he'll love it," I reassured, making the small boy beam. His eyes focused on the driveway for a moment longer, impatient whines leaving his mouth.

"Mommy! Daddy's coming!" he screamed the minute car lights showed on the end of our driveway. "Daddy's home, daddy's home!" he screamed, grabbing the trophy and running quickly outside.

I laughed, running after our son to meet my husband. Butterflies tickled my stomach when the car stopped in front of me, making my son clutch my hand almost painfully.

"Well, what a homecoming!" Justin laughed, standing out of the car to catch our running little boy. He spun him around, kissing his cheek when they both laughed, making my eyes full of happy tears.

"What on earth is that?" Justin smirked, pointing the trophy our son was still clutching. A smile covered our son's face when he handed it to Justin proudly, making him open his mouth in surprise.

"It's a world's best dad trophy, silly!" our son screamed happily, making Justin laugh when he kissed his son's cheek again, thanking him with hugs and kisses. I smiled, walking to our family with teary eyes.

"Hi love," Justin greeted happy tears blurring his eyes when he reached to kiss me passionately, "Did you see my trophy? I'm a world's greatest dad!"

I chuckled, ruffling my son's hair when he clutched to his dad.

"I made it just for you daddy!" our son whispered proudly, making Justin's grin widen.

"I can see that buddy! Now, what do you say, should we put it to my trophy shelf, huh?"

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