I'm Here For You

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Her face was flawless, yet she had multiple flaws. She wasn't perfect, but she still was somehow. People commented if she did anything wrong, but they still adored her. Even though they all adored her for being a silly and cute girl, no one really knew anything more about her. She would always walk around with a smile, but no one knew what was hidden on the inside. In fact, there was a lot she wanted to say; yet she didn't tell anyone, except me.

I looked down, trying not to look at those glistening eyes I seemed to adore more than I should. Believe me, I wanted to look at her face, but my eyes wouldn't take the risk to look at her due to the sorrow that was drowning deep inside those eyes of hers. I wanted to satisfy her in any way, make her happy, make her consider to stay here as long as she managed and help her somehow. Unfortunately, she wasn't that easy to convince. Every time I would tell her to think in the positive directions, she would end up yelling at me for no particular reason and blame herself for the misery she thought she caused me. The truth was that I didn't bother at all. Yes, she made me look like an awful friend and yes; she dragged me deeper into the hole with her. That was why, ever since I first found out about her problems, I was there for her. I would never leave her. Never. I wanted to be with her as much as possible, which from now on included being yelled at. She could even hit me and I still wouldn't leave. Why? I loved her.

"Where are you going?" I asked her as she stood up from the couch.

We were over at her place because my roommate insisted me to leave for the evening since he was having his girlfriend over. I accepted his request for two reasons; 1: There was no way I was going to listen to their awkward kissing sounds. 2: I could spend more time with Demi. It was easier to ask her if I could come over when I had a reasonable explanation instead of saying "Can I come over because I'm deeply in love with you and want to be with you as much as I can?" No, just no. It sounds weird and cheesy. Besides, who would say that?

"Bathroom," she simply replied. I heard the door shut and immediately sank my face into my hands. One thing that was hard to say was if she went to the bathroom to pee, or to do what I feared the most. She could do "it" anytime anywhere and there was nothing I could do. Even if I tried to stop her, she was totally not cooperative and would end up yelling at me instead. I was sick of it, yet again; I loved spending time with her. Sadly, her problems would be left unsorted. No, forget what I said. I was sick of being just a shoulder she could cry on, yell at and then leave behind. Maybe I had to be the one pushing her to the next step?

Minutes later, my hands were shaking due to the courage I managed to build up in such a short time. I was afraid if I'd say something wrong, our friendship would take a dangerous turn, even though our friendship was build up on me being there whenever she needed someone to yell at. I heard the door open and close, as Demi sat down in the couch again.

"What are you waiting for?" She asked, hinting me to push "play" on the movie. I looked over at her with tired eyes and noticed she suddenly wore a sweater with extra long sleeves instead of the normal sized sweater she was wearing earlier, making me turn my head back to the screen quickly knowing what happened.

"Are you okay?" She asked and laid a hand on my shoulder, but I quickly pushed it away.

"Seriously? You're just going to ignore me?" She raised an eyebrow. I felt my lips start to shake and parted them slightly, trying to let out a sound that only turned out to be a sniff instead.

"Justin..." Demi whispered and shuffled closer.

"No Demi. Don't," I warned.

"Then what am I supposed to do?" She said, this time a little louder.

"Stop what you're doing," I turned my head to look at her face, which looked confused and shocked.

"What are you talking-"

"Don't pretend like nothing happened in that bathroom, Demi."I snapped at her before she could finish her sentence. Another sniff.

"Nothing happened, sweetie," she said in a higher pitch. Oh, she was definitely lying.

I closed my eyes slowly and sighed heavily, "Then pull up your sleeves."


"Pull up your sleeves, Demi. If nothing happened, then show me."

"I'm just cold, okay?" She tried to escape like always, but I wasn't that easy to fool. She always had some kind of "excuse" and I always pretended I fell for it, which was why she never showed me her arms.

"'I'm just cold'? Seriously? What happened to being honest?" I crossed my arms and waited to be yelled at. Instead, I sank my shoulders, realizing I probably went a little rough on her as she looked down. Usually, this was where she would turn her anger on.

Without being prepared, she lifted her sleeve up. I gasped at the sight.

"Demi..." I let out with surprised, shaking lips.

"Yeah, you're happy now, aren't you?" She rolled her eyes and pulled the sleeves back down.

I kept seeing the sight of her left arm inside my head. I didn't know if I was disgusted or sorry for making her do it.

"I didn't know," I whispered under my breath.

She scoffed, "Nobody does."

"No, I didn't know you felt that way," I tried to correct her.

I always knew what she was doing, but I didn't know...that happened. The picture seemed to stick into my head. Without controlling my body, I leaned forward and pulled the sleeve up again, causing Demi to jump back in the couch.

"What the hell are you doing?" She exclaimed.

"Oh shut up," I smiled slightly and took another look at her arm. I let my fingers stroke over her cuts carefully, but obviously not carefully enough as she groaned under her breath.

"Whenever I felt sad, I thought of you, but after time that wasn't enough," she looked down on her arm with my name scared all over it multiple times, "By doing it this way, I can make sure you're always with me." I nodded to what she was saying, showing her how grateful I was for her honesty.

"You have to stop doing it," I let out. Demi agreed by nodding.

"I know, but it's easier said than done," she took a deep breath.

Gripping both sides of her face, I looked her deeply in her brown eyes.

"Stop ruining your skin," I ordered, making the sparkles in her eyes fade.

"Please...for me?" I pleaded quietly.

"Please?" I whispered one last time while letting my breath hit her lips.

Leaning inches closer, I let my fingers thread her hair, noticing her chest nervously rise up and down.

"Stop." my lips moved, barely letting any sound come out of it. Noticing her nod, I felt her hands make their way to my waist. Whilst smiling faintly, I kept looking into her eyes before closing my eyes, letting our lips connect.

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