Take Me Home

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(Warning: Quite sad, I'm not even joking, you might wanna grab a few tissues) 

(Trigger Warning - Suicide)

Justin was broken and so he was sent away to be fixed. 

Justin is finally repaired but then he breaks again. 

And this time, it doesn't look like anyone can fix him.


You refused to let us help you Justin, so we put you here. I have to say goodbye and I have to go. We didn't want to see you leave but we couldn't watch you fall apart in front of our eyes. You are stronger than you think, you are brave, you are still alive and going on. You will get better and you will come home and we will all welcome you with open arms. I will be here just as you left me, maybe a little broken inside but I will still be here. You are broken, Justin. The people here - they can help you. They can put your pieces back together the way I have tried and failed to do. They can make you all better. They'll patch you up and bring you back to me. I love you forever and when you are well again, I will take you home.

Demi xoxo 


Justin reads the letter and lets out a sigh.

Every morning when he wakes up and he reads the letter he knew so well. He gets dressed, he goes to his therapist, he walks in the garden alone for fifteen minutes, he showers and goes back to his room.

It's become a routine ever since he was sent to the facility.

Justin broke three months ago, the delicate strings holding him together snapped and here he was.

When Justin broke, he did things he shouldn't have. He tried to leave the world behind, he tried to take away the pain he'd been feeling. The more Demi tried to fix him, the more broken Justin became.

Justin was broken and he was a danger to himself, so he was placed in this place that had been his home lately.

Justin didn't like it here - he missed singing and performing and most of all he missed Demi. His Demi. He missed wrapping her in hugs and staring into those chocolate brown eyes. He missed Demi rubbing his back in circles and telling him how everything would be okay even though it might not be.

Justin slides on his plain black tee and makes his way to Dr. Hathaway's office. She greets him brightly with friendly brown eyes and Justin greets her with apathy.

"So, Justin. Have you had any more...suicidal thoughts lately?" she asks, gliding her pen across paper.

"My only thoughts lately are of her," Justin replies. That seems to be Justin's only answer to everything. Demi.

"Justin, are you hungry?" "Demi's a good cook. She made me breakfast in bed one time."

"Justin, do you sleep well?" "I can never stop dreaming about Demi. I wake up calling her name and trying to reach out for her."

"Justin, are you okay?" "Not without Demi."

"Justin, how's your day been?" "Every day without Demi sucks."

"Justin, how are we supposed to help you if you won't let us in?" "Give me my Demi back."

The therapist lets out a frustrated sigh and decides to try a new method.

"Justin, how about you write your feelings down? Write a letter to Demi," she says smoothly, sliding paper and a pencil to the brown haired boy.

Justin's face brightens at the mention of the girl he loves and he takes the pencil slowly between his fingertips.

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