Chapter 11

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I was running and I had just finished the piece if bacon when I hit the edge of couch and fell. Mr. Parker watched me fall and we both laughed then he said "are you ok?" And helped me up "yea, I just have a carpet burn on my knee" we went back to the kitchen laughing and ate breakfast.

"That was amazing!" I say

"Thanks" Mr. Parker says

I go to the bathroom and look for the neosporin and put it on my carpet burn with a band-aid.

I put a bright pink shirt on the has " Be Wise" on the back with an owl and some L.A Idol jeans.

When I am done I go to the living room and sit on the couch until Mr. Parker is ready. while I'm sitting on the couch Mr. Parker is getting ready, he comes out and he is SHIRTLESS!!!! I look away trying not to stare and he says "I'm sorry! I thought you where in your room getting ready so I thought id come get a T-shirt!" he says and runs to the laundry room.

"Um, it's ok I guess, sorry" I said

he laughs and grabs a T-shirt and put it on and walked back to his room and got his teeny shoes and comes and sits next to me on the couch.

once he finishes putting on his shoes he says "you ready to go?" I say "yea, do we need to take a controller?" "no, Mr. Pinn should have enough" he said


Hope you have a good one!

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