21 - She's trouble

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I gloomily watch Harry as he readies himself for his upcoming date who he's meant to be picking up in an hour. He's been stressing since getting home from work at the small coffee shop he waiters for.

He stands confidently in front of his full length mirror which isn't yet mounted on the wall, a grin plastered across his face.

"I can't wait Y/N," he smiles over his shoulder at me. "I-I've been waiting for this day all week. I still can't believe she said yes!" Harry excitedly says, practically jumping up and down on the spot.

"Yeah, good for you Haz." I mumble, beginning to pick off my white nail varnish as a distraction.

I notice Harry turn around in the corner of my eye, my stomach tightening as I feel his eyes basically burning through my head. "Y/N?" Harry speaks up, taking a few steps closer towards his bed I'm sat cross-legged on.

"Hm?" I look up, forcing my mood to lighten.

His eyes narrow as he perches himself on the edge of the mattress. "Everything alright?" He asks with concern filling his voice.

"Yeah Harry, I'm good. Great actually." I manage to say without gritting my teeth.

"Then how come I'm getting the feeling everything isn't great?" He fires back, my gaze meeting his once more. I roll my eyes, resuming picking away at my nails.

Does he seriously think I'm okay with him going on a date with some mega bitch he introduced me to less than a week ago? Really? How low does the boy think I am?! The second she laid her icy blue eyes on me she was scowling, a look on her face which told me she wanted to slap me without Harry knowing.

She's beautiful, I'm not going to lie about that. Her and Harry would be a cute couple in my eyes if I didn't have so many stupid feelings for him myself, and if the girl herself wasn't so horrible.

Harry's just genuinely too nice, that's the problem here. I'm like his parent in a way. I always see the bad in people he meets before he does, he's never cautious when meeting someone new. He can never see through their lies and fake toothed smiles. They manipulate him, just like this date of his is going to do to him tonight and any other possible dates in the future.

"I'm fine Harry, drop it." I say with an irritated sigh. I have half a mind to just leave now, there's not point me waiting to watch him leave the house in an hours time, all happy and jolly for a date with another girl when all I'll do once he leaves is mope around.

"Whatever Y/N. I'm not going to let your mood ruin my good one." Harry snaps, returning to stare at himself in the mirror again. I roll my eyes for a second time, my anger beginning to boil within me.

"You know, I thought you'd be happy for me. I've finally gotten over my not dating anyone phase, and this is how you act? Well, as of right now, Olivia is the best thing in my life." He tells me, his voice firm and low toned.

I hate seeing him serious, even worse, I hate seeing him in a serious mood because of me. When Harry's serious, it usually means he's either annoyed at the same time or because his boss is in the room. Right now, as far as I'm concerned, his boss is nowhere in sight.

"Well Harry, I'm sorry life isn't treating you well at the moment!" I begin, the zip keeping my mouth shut bursting open. I stand from the bed, my face already red as I continue to fill the silent room with my shouting. "I'm not exactly good if you must know! You just kept on digging and digging until the damage finally couldn't be fixed anymore! I hope you and Olivia have an amazing time, I'll send fucking flowers the moment I hear the word that you two are engaged!" I yell out of complete anger and frustration.

Never have I ever been more furious with him. Words cannot form into a sentence which makes sense to explain how I feel right now.

I fling open Harry's bedroom door, slamming my feet down the stairs to his front door.

"Y/N!" Harry calls after me, rushing down the stairs a little behind me. I can't really tell how he feels based on the muffled voice shouting my name from behind, I don't really care for that matter.

Just as I reach the end of the path leading to Harry's place, I feel two large hands grip either side of my shoulders. My jaw tenses, Harry spinning me around effortlessly as I don't put up much of a fight.

"Just...tell me what's wrong?" Harry sighs, fixing his blazer.

I roll my eyes. "Really?" I scoff, folding my arms across my chest. "What's wrong?"

"Yeah?" Harry nods, oblivious to just about everything.

Without warning, my bottom lip begins quivering, my eyes flooding with a swarm of sudden tears. "You really don't know?" I ask in a whisper, my voice practically a squeak.

Harry shakes his head with a frown.

"You're an idiot!" I shout, shoving him angrily in the chest. Harry's body tumbles back a little, my force barely having an effect on him. He straightens himself out again, eyes finding mine within a matter of seconds.

As if the clogs on his brain suddenly begin to move after decades of doing nothing, Harry's face turns to shock. His green eyes widen, mouth wide open it could catch a dozen moths.

"You...like me?" He questions, a little uncertain. I know he doesn't like jumping to conclusions, especially when it could potentially make Harry look bigger headed than he really is.

I nod, just visible enough for Harry to catch. He shakes his head, smacking his hand to his forehead with an almost guilty look covering his face.

"I had no idea...I swear if I did..." He begins to explain, his voice slowly fading until no other words leave his lips.

"Of course you didn't Harry. It's fine. Let's act like nothing happened, yeah? I'll see you on Monday." I tell him, turning on my heels to the direction of my car.

"Y/N," Harry stops me again, his voice desperate and guilt-filled. "I'm so sorry." He frowns, his head dropping with one friendly hand on my shoulder.

I nod understandably. "I know. Have a nice date, spoil her." I tell him, him nodding slowly as a response. Spoil her whilst I sit in my bedroom alone and heartbroken.

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