CHAPTER XIX: Naruto and Minato go to War.

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(A/N: it's just the pants, pouch, boots and top, she wears in this chapter and this chapter is dedicated to AliceClover.)

Third Person's Point of View.

Minato had taken off, leaving both Naruto and Killer Bee in her dust, her senses were on high alert as she searched for Gaara. She was close when the explosions went off and had to stop when a giant statue shot out of the ground, she panicked a little but started moving faster, in the field with several craters and explosions. Running she sensed that she was getting closer and it made her heart race faster, the idea of being with him again after not seeing him for so long.

"Minato!" Turning her head she looked at Naruto and Bee, Naruto looked startled by something ahead of Minato, but she was surprised he could keep up, Bee was starting to look tired, Naruto looked a little worse for wear. "Look out!" Naruto shouted looking back ahead she almost came face to face with the Raikage's fist. Ducking under him she continued on and left the Hokage and the Raikage to Naruto and Killer Bee. "She's fast! So fast that she actually dodged my brother!" Bee shouted musically. Naruto nodded, "heck yeah! Go sis!!" He shouted to her and she kept going.

Minato couldn't help but smile, over the last few weeks she had learned that Naruto was a very loyal and devoted guy, and was completely obsessed with Ramen and to become Hokage. His long time crush Sakura was on his team and he had yet to tell her how he felt, but if Minato remembered she could tell from when his team helped save Gaara that Sakura didn't think of him that way, Minato thought it was hilarious. Still running she smirked at the idea of anyone trying to catch her or even catch up to her now.


Elsewhere on the Fourth Division's battlefield, the reincarnated Kage draw ever closer to Gaara and the Tsuchikage's location. Alerted by Mū, that two persons were approaching, the Kage are greeted by an enormous torrent of sand which the Second Mizukage animatedly comments about. Believing it to be the work of Shukaku, the Fourth Kazekage quickly stops the sand using his Gold Dust, causing the Third Raikage to acknowledge him as a Magnet Release kekkei genkai wielder.

Shocked to not see the beast before him but actually his son, three of the four Kage are captured by sand arms created by Gaara. Mū who was able to avoid capture, is however soon set upon by the Tsuchikage using the Dust Release: Detachment of the Primitive World Technique to which the previous Tsuchikage responds in kind, the effects of which leaves a giant crater in the middle of the battlefield.

Questioning his son as to where the One-Tail was as the rest of the Fourth Division lingered a ways back awaiting the signal, Gaara informs his father that he was no longer the jinchūriki he had made him. In a thickly lined forests Minato struggled to find an exit close to Gaara, large waves of sand and Gold dust followed by an attack she remembered belonged to the Tsuchikage she followed it, arriving she saw Gaara facing off against his father. "Gaara!" She shouted getting his attention to let him know that she was there and ready to help him. Nodding Gaara was ready to do their usual combos, the former Kazekage turned to look at who had called to his son and smirked, "still by his side I see." He sounded peeved by this but Minato only smiled, "always have always will." She retorted snidely.

As Minato got into position, Gaara explained his status as a former host, the Fourth Kazekage was shocked to learn that, and even more so that he had become engaged and had friends and became the Kazekage. Intent on testing his son's mettle, the three begin battling while the Tsuchikage signalled the troops to move in before confronting Mū.

As the battle waged on, the Fourth Kazekage is shocked to find himself trapped in Gaara's attack alongside the Second Mizukage and the Third Raikage, having used Minato's Thunder God Flash step to get into positions faster than the reincarnated Kages could keep up. Seeing the sand manifest in the form of his late wife after protecting Gaara from one of his attacks, the former Kazekage realises that Karura had been protecting Gaara his whole life.

Remorsefully, the Fourth tells his son the truth of his mother's love for him and apologised that all he had done for Gaara was rob him of happiness, now realising that he had actually been unable to judge the true value of things in the end. Shocked to hear the truth of his mother's love for him and that Yashamaru had been forced to lie to Gaara, the young Kazekage breaks down crying before telling his father that while his mother was truly amazing, it was Minato and his father who had finally given him medicine to heal his wounded heart.

With Gaara forgiving him for his past mistakes, the Fourth smiles on as he is sealed away by his son, entrusting the village and the future to his son. Minato stood by Gaara's side as he smiled a full and true smile her hand holding his and twining their fingers, her way of physically telling him she was there for him and always would be, just like she told his father. It would always be her spot, right by his side to fight for him, and with him against anything.

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