CHAPTER XII: Kazekage Rescue!!

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<<3rd Person's POV>>

Minato bolted up from her sleep, and realized she wasn't alone, looking around and rubbing her sore body she grunted, "lay back down Minato-sama, your still hurt." A nurse said carefully pushing her shoulders back into the sheets. But she swatted her hands away and pushed out of bed, ripping wires and cords from her arms and chest, machines were beeping like nuts but she didn't care, grabbing the clothing Temari must have brought for her she walked into the bath room and changed. Five minutes later she reemerged dressed and washed off. In a tan bodice and white booty short, and a red scarf looped heavily around her neck and draping down her chest and back like a cape she yanked on her long dark brown stocking on one leg then the shoe and then just the other shoe on the opposite foot. Grabbing her weapons she was gone and out the door. All while ignoring the nurses and doctors that called and yelled for her to return to her bed.


Running through the village Minato came to the front Gate and ran past all the blood and the Jônins that were collecting the dead, this sight made her even angrier. Pushing on she ran faster following the broken pieces of Gaara's sand armour. The trail looked to be at least two days old, arriving at a giant stone with a seal on it, she glared her red nine-tails eyes burning with more anger than she knew she had. Letting her clenched fist bubble over in the burning red chakra of her bijuu, she punched the stone, it cracked, but that was it, punching it repeatedly until dark she stopped when she ran out of Chakra. Summoning her sword she slashed at the medium sized creator he had made punching the stone.

"Minato!!" Someone said and sudden hands were on her wrists an pulling her away from the stone. The second her sword fell from her grasp it disappeared in a poof of smoke. Turning to who had stopped her, it was Naruto. Fresh tears streamed down her eyes when she saw him. Pulling her into his chest she clutched his sweater as she sobbed into him, "Naruto back up I think I know how to open this." Naruto nodded and scooped up the broken woman and moved out of the way, he was just as eager to get in and save Gaara as Minato was. As team Guy each found their mark they pulled the seals off on Kakashi's mark, when it was off, he called for the next  step. "Sakura!" Lunging forward with her Chakra charged fist she punched the crater made by Minato and the stone crumbled. Minato pushed free of Naruto and shot in. Kakashi shouted after her but she ignored him, as the others followed and stood behind her. Her eyes locked on Gaara as Deidara was seated on his chest.

"Well then, which of you is the "Jinchuuriki" I wonder...? Mm." He said when it was obviously the male blonde glaring at the two members with his demon fox red eyes. "You bastards! I'll smash you to pieces!!" Sasori spoke first after Naruto's outburst. "That one." Deidara nodded, "well, seems like" Naruto turned his attention back to Gaara, "Gaara! What are you doing, sleeping there lazily?! Stand the hell up!!" Sakura looked to her blond teammate surprised and sad by Naruto's yelling, "Hey! Gaara are you listening to me?!" He continued getting angrier by the moment. "Stop should understand." Kakashi's tried, but Naruto wasn't listening. Naruto clenched his jaw to try and keep everything in, "yeah, yeah, don't you get it? He's well...dead, mm?" Deidara said pissing off the leaf ad sand shinobis.

Finally giving in Naruto's features changed, his whiskers darkened and his canines elongated while his eyes turned an even darker red. "....give him back..." Everyone's attention turned to the blonde woman ahead of everyone with her head down her loose hair hiding her face, snapping her head up, her features were now fully visible. Fangs, burning red eyes and matching whisker marks that only appear when Minato released four tails or if she was extremely angry and or sad. "Give Gaara Back!!!" She yelled "you bastards!!" Naruto added as they both ran at the two Akatsuki members. Kakashi leapt in front of Naruto and Minato but she dodged him effortlessly. But the blonde Akatsuki member picked up Gaara and moved away and out the giant hole Sakura had made earlier. Deidara called to Sasori saying he would deal with Gaara and the others. While he stayed and faugh his grandmother.

Growling, Minato ran under Deidara keeping up with him effortlessly. Kakashi yelled to Naruto to keep Minato in sight as they chased after Deidara. Racing after her they found it hard to keep up she was just so fast, sometimes she would disappear and Deidara would jerk in a sudden direction like he was either pulled or hit. And the two guys knew it was her. Minato punched and jabbed at the clay bird as she chased it and it's master, she placed her teleportation mark in different areas all over, and on the blonde standing on the ivory clay creature. When Naruto and Kakashi caught up, she pushed on faster to do this without them interfering. One last time she did another round of marks on the bird and landed in a canyon willed with thick tree roots protruding out of the walls, drawing kunai's swords as long as her forearms she started her attack and blasted around different spots on the creature damaging its wings until it couldn't fly. Now grounded she moved on to attacking Deidara.

Her moves were sharp and hard to predict. And they were weakening Deidara by the second. Jumping towards his downed clay bird, she continued to attack making his movements slow like moving through water or quicksand. The more he moved the weaker he got. When he was ten feet close to his bird, Minato stopped her relentless attacking and clawed through the bird and grabbed Gaara, looking over her shoulder to Naruto and Kakashi she said, "he's all yours." And leapt away.

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