Chapter Five

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Pulling a semi-conscious Tony from the taxi I handed a fifty dollar note to the driver.

"Keep the change," I said before slamming the door and following Vic, Jaime and Tony through the emergency room doors.

Hospital. It was the only logical place we could think to take him. No doctors clinic would be open at one in the morning, and he was too sick to go back to the bus. He'd been fading in and out of consciousness  the whole taxi ride here, mumbling sweet nothings to me under his breath. It would have been cute had I not been so scared. But the fact that he couldn't stay awake for more than a few minutes at once terrified me. What had happened? Had someone done this to him or was it just the flu and we were overreacting? We'd soon find out. Ducking in front of the boys I jogged over to the reception desk.

"How can I help you?" The brunette behind the desk asked, not looking up from her computer.

"W-we need help. Ah, T-Tony is, ah, sick." I stuttered, wiping tears from my cheeks.

She looked up at me suddenly, shock registering on her face. She stood up suddenly, walking around the desk and over to Tony.

"What happened?" she asked, picking up Tony's limp wrist and feeling his pulse.

", club. And then he got sick," I hiccupped almost incoherently. 

"We were at a club and Tony started to get dizzy so Tori took him outside. Then he started throwing up and passed out." Vic retold the nurse a simplified version of what I'd told him.

She nodded, dropping Tony's wrist, "Follow me."

Hurrying after the receptionist, she led us through a maze of corridors. We were a slow procession. With Tony being supported by Vic and Jaime who were both shorter than him, it was slow going down the corridors. Finally the woman stopped and motioned for us to go into a room. Laying Tony down on the bed inside, both Jaime and Vic collapsed into chairs in exhaustion.

"If you could just fill out this paperwork a doctor will be with you shortly," The receptionist said handing me a clipboard before leaving the room and closing the door.

It was eerily quiet in the hospital room with the door closed. Glancing down at the paperwork, my hands were shaking to much to fill it out.

"Here let me." Said Jaime, taking the clipboard from my lap.

"Thank you."

Sitting down on the edge of the bed I took Tony's hand.

"Tori?" Tony murmured.

"Hey Turtle," I said quietly, the tears had stopped though panic was still coursing through my veins, "You feeling okay?"

He shook his head slightly, "Never better."

I rolled my eyes playfully, squeezing his hand, "It's gonna be okay."

"Well of course it is," He replied as though it was the most obvious thing in the world, "You're here, pretty girl."

I flushed, smiling sadly as Tony slipped back into unconsciousness. A stray tear fell down my cheek and harshly wiped it away.

"Tori, uh, can we talk for a minute?" Vic asked quietly.

I looked up to see him standing in front of me. Glancing between him and Tony, he seemed to sense my anxiety.

"Jaime will stay with him." Vic murmured and I glanced over at Jaime who nodded.

Standing up I followed Vic from the hospital room and into the corridor. Slumping against the wall opposite the door I realised suddenly how tired I was. For a night that was supposed to be fun it sure turned out that way.

"How you doing?" Vic asked kindly.

I shrugged, "Fine I guess. How're you?"

He shrugged, not answering my question, another tear rolled down my cheek and Vic wiped it away with his thumb. It was a comforting gesture.

"Don't cry Tor," Vic said gently, "He's gonna be okay. It's probably just stomach flu or something."

I nodded, "I know. I'm just worried that's all. It's been a long night. Thank you for helping before."

He smiled sadly at me, "Anytime darling. He's our friend too."

"I know but, I mean I probably ruined your night."

Vic shook his head, "Don't worry about that. My friend's health comes above a night out at any club."

Opening his arms I hugged him tightly. Vic always knew the right thing to say. Suddenly the door to Tony's room opened and Jaime came out.

"What's go-" I began alarmed.

"The doctor Is in there." Jaime said, resting his arm comfortingly on my shoulder.

I nodded, relieved finally someone that could actually help Tony. Sitting down on one of the plastic folding chairs in front of Tony's room all we could do was anxiously wait. Wringing my hands the door opened and all three of our heads snapped up. The doctor was an older man, in his forties. He seemed panicked and I immediately felt sick. Something was wrong.

"Are you three with Tony Perry?" The doctor asked and we nodded, "I'm Doctor Barker. So I'm not gonna beat around the bush here, I need your permission to perform a gastric lavage on your friend."

"A what? What's wrong with him?" I asked urgently.

"It seems as though your friend has ingested a type of date rape drug. A gastric lavage or stomach pump is the quickest way to rid his body of the drug." The doctor said urgently.

It took a moment for the information to set in. Tony had been drugged. It really was the only logical explanation for his symptoms. But who would've drugged him? And how did they get him to take the drugs? He would never have done it willingly. Opening my mouth to say something, no words would come out. Instead a sob racked my body and a tear ran down my cheek.

"Yes. Pump his stomach," Vic said breaking through the silence, "But, um, we're in a touring band and, um, well how long will this take 'cause we need to be out of here as soon as possible."

The doctor nodded at this, "We can have the process done within the next few hours but he will need to remain here for another twenty four hours, for monitoring."

"Okay. Go ahead with the procedure. I need to make some calls," Vic said, pulling his phone from his pocket and walking down the corridor.

The doctor nodded, walking back towards the door.

"Wait doctor," I called, finally getting my voice back, Doctor Barker turned to look at me, "Is it a risky procedure."

The doctor shook his head before closing Tony's room door behind him. Turning to look at Jaime, he seemed as shocked as I was. Wrapping his arm around my shoulders comfortingly I shuddered.

"You know what will make you feel better?" He asked quietly.

I shook my head, "What?"

"Coffee," He grinned and although it didn't quite reach his eyes I smiled back.

BAM! Oh and if anyone cares that picture in the sidebar is Tori's outfit. I dont know if i'm gonna keep doing this but i thought it'd be fun to imagine what she'd wear. Anyways feedback on what you think would be great :) xx

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