TDI day 2!

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^ Click that pick. She helped me write this chapter so do it now! 

Note: I don't own TDI


“Ok today’s challenge is three fall. Your first task is to jump off this 1,000 foot high cliff into the lake,” Chris said. He’s joking, right? There’s no way we can survive this!

“Piece of cake,” Bridgette’s voice quivered.

“This looks like fun!" I said, nodding. Everyone looked at me strange. These people obviously don’t understand sarcasm.

“If you look down”-If I look down I will faint that we have to fall from this height and could die-“you will see 2 target areas. The wider area represents the part of the lake that we have stocked with, psychotic, haha, man eating sharks”-thank goodness I’m a girl-“inside that area is a safe zone. That’s your target area, which we’re pretty sure is shark free,” Chris laughed.

“Excuse me!” LeShawna said.

“Pretty sure?” My voice was shaking. Yep, this guy wanted us dead.

“For each member of your team that jumps and actually survives”-actually survives, meaning that there’s a chance we won’t-“there will be a crate of supplies waiting below. Inside of each crate are supplies you will need for the second challenge, building a hot tub. The team with the best one gets to have a wicked hot tub party tonight. The loser’s will be sending someone home. Let’s see Killer Bass your up first,” Chris explained. At least we get to see if someone survives first.

 Bridgette went near the edge and looked over it. “Oh wow. So who wants to go first?” Bridgette asked. Everyone was silent.

“Please, don’t all raise your hand at once,” I joked, half-heartedly.

“Fine, then for our team, you go first,” Heather declared leaving no room for argument. I glared at her.

“Hey don’t sweat it guys, I hear the show always make the intern do the stunts first to make it survivable,” Owen didn’t sound to confident himself.

“I hope so,” I breathed, looking over. “

So who’s up?” Eva asked.

 “Ladies first” Duncan offered.

“Fine. I’ll go it’s no big deal. Just an insane cliff dive into a circle of angry sharks,” Brigette said.

"Good luck" I said to her smiling. "She ain't gonna make it," I said to Gwen who was next to me and she nodded, but keep smiling at Brigette. She jumped and landed in the safe zone and waved at us.

“She did it! Yeah! Yeah! I’m next!” Tyler said. He ran back then ran forward jumping off yelling on his way down. Bridgette had gotten on the boat when Tyler hit the water. He landed on one of those sea light things right where it counts. I laughed.

“Ok I’m up!” Geoff said. He jumped. Then Eva followed. Then Duncan. DJ chickened out and had to wear some stupid chicken hat. Ezekiel jumped and hit a tree branch on his way down. But he landed in the safe zone. Harold jumped but jumped with his legs spread out. Idiot. He landed on the water exactly how he fell and landed on that certain spot. He let out a really loud yell. I laughed again. Courtney chicken out, too, and had to wear the same hat DJ did. Then Katie and Sadie jumped down together (Katie switched teams with Izzy).The other team was finished, so it was our turn now.

“Who’s going up first?” I asked, staring down at the long, deep, death looking, spot. I don’t mind heights, but this was creepy. No one said anything. “Okay, I guess I’ll go then.” Taking one for the team. No one argued with me. I jumped and didn’t land in the safe zone, and the sharks were going after me. Yep...I’m dead! I thought till I saw the safe zone was right beside me. I swam over the rope, and was safe. I breathed a HUGE sigh of relief and gave everyone upon the cliff a thumbs up. I hopped on the boat and was back to shore.

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