TDI day 21!

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Yet another plane woke me up. I groaned and put my pillow over my ears. Once the plane still wouldn’t shut up, I gave in and walked outside. LeShawna and Gwen were already there. “Keep it down out there!” LeShawna yelled at the plane.

“What’s going on out here?” Gwen asked.

“Is that the doughnut-copter?” Owen asked. I rolled my eyes. If it was the doughnut-copter I would have attacked it by now.

We all went back in to change, and then came straight back out. “Welcome back to ‘Total Drama Island’. Over the past six weeks we’ve watched 16 campers push themselves to the limit, and then get their butts kicked off the island by their fellow campers. Sucks to be you: Ezekiel, Eva, Noah, Justin, Katie, Tyler, Izzy, Cody, Beth, Sadie, Courtney, Harold, Eva again, Trent, Bridgette, Lindsay, DJ, Izzy again,” Chris said, in the helicopter. I could barely hear him over the drone of the propellers. “Only 7 campers remain, and after 6 weeks of bugs, crappy camp food, and even grosser bathrooms, our seven finalist are about this close to losing it.” Close? Close? I think I lost it a long time ago. “We strove to come up with the best way to help the campers distress, then we decided it would be way more fun to handcuff them together to see if we couldn’t push them over the edge.”

“Did Duncan's parole officer send a care package?” Heather asked.

“All in the name of todays challenge: The tri-armed trailthon.”

“Tri-armed? Like three arms?” Owen asked.

“Yes, three challenges, three team of two.”

“Chris, there are seven of us,” I pointed out. “How in the hell is there supposed to be three teams of two?”

“One person is going to be alone, with no one else on there team,” Chris warned us. I don't know why he made it sound bad. Have you met these people? I was not chained to any of them. “Winning team members both get invincibility from tonight's vote.” I went to the confessional./ “I hope I’m the person by myself, I don’t really want to be chained to anyone. Not even LeShawna or Gwen. The main reason is because knowing Chris he won’t unlock the handcuffs.”/

We went to the Dining Room and found out our teams. Thankfully, I was the one man team. The other teams were Heather and Owen (Owen will be dead by the end of the day), Gwen and Geoff (Gwen’s going to kill Geoff by the end of the challenge), and LeShawna and Duncan (they’re going to kill each other by the end of the day). “First of our three challenges…Competative chow down!” Chris said.

Owen laughed, “This is like a dream I had once.”

“The doughnut copter dream?” Heather asked, annoyed. She rolled her eyes and tried to cross her arms. Since she was handcuffed to Owen she settled on putting her hands on her hips.

“You've had it too?” All of us have had a dream about food once in our life, Owen.

“Each team will choose a feeder, and an eater. The eater must put their hands behind their back, making it more difficult for the feeder. Celeste, you’re, also, going to have to do this with your hands behind your back.” Oh joy. Nothing more fun than eating with your hands behind your back.

Chef came over with 2 metal bracelets attached together by a chains and can only be taken off with a key. He grabbed my right arm and slapped one cuff on and did the same on the other side. “What? Oh, you are not taking me back to juvie, again,” I complained, struggling in the handcuffs. “I didn’t even do anything illegal!”

“Wait, again?” Duncan said sounding proud of me. “You’ve been before.” I ignored him and waited for Chris to respond to me.

“Relax, this is to make sure you don’t cheat. One last thing. This”-he held up a key-“is the whimp key. A skeleton key that will open any handcuff. You’ll be offered the whimp key at each challenge to unshakle yourselves from your team mate. But….if you choose the wimp key, you will be voted off immediately.”

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