TDI day 22!

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“Listen up, campers,” Chris announced over the loudspeaker, “One of the most grueling challenges is the dreaded rain game; where all activities with even the remote possibility of fun, are canceled-”

“Oh, so in other words it’s just like any other day, here,” I said.

“-in favor of the crap tent. Forecast for tomorrow: rain, rain, and more rain, followed by rain. See you all in the craft tent tomorrow, at 0700 hours.” Great. Not only does LeShawna get voted off, but we have to wake up at 7am.

“Frowning like a big sap won't bring LeShawna back, you know. It'll just give you premature wrinkles... Oops! Too late,” Heather insulted.

“Why don't you just put us out of our misery and vote yourself off?” Gwen asked.

“And make sure you crash into a cliff, while you’re at it,” I suggested.

“It's so nice to see you three getting along. Gives me the warm fuzzies,” Duncan said.

“In your dreams, perv,” Heather said.

“Man, this sucks. Even Owen couldn’t put a shiney happy spin on this weather.”

“Speaking of which, where is Owen?” I wondered. I stopped wondering the moment I heard thunder. I ran inside and hid under the covers. I heard Heather laugh and make fun of me, but I didn’t care. I was too busy being a wuss to give a crap about anything.


You know those dreams where you feel like you’re falling, only to wake up on your floor. I had a similar dream tonight that I was on the Titanic and just as I was about to go under BAM! I woke up in water. Hold on, why am I in water? “Huh?” I asked. I couldn’t see crap because it was so blurry. Maybe, by some dumb luck my contacts were in my bed. I must’ve been stupid last night, because they were. I climbed back up on the bed and struggled to put them on in the rocky environment. Once I got them in, everyone else had fallen in the water.

Gwen, Duncan, Heather were all awake and were in the water, too. “Where did all this water come from?!” Gwen asked.

“How should I know, why don't you ask the leeches?” Heather complained. She lifted up her arm to reveal it is covered in leeches, screamed and shook them off. Not so ironic she gets mauled by her own kind.

“You know, this is so ridiculous, it's almost funny,” Duncan commented. A shark went around him, then around the rest of us. We all swam as fast as we could to the guys cabin that was somehow floating. We were all scared. The shark torn through our beds.

“Quick, we need something big and chewy to shove in his mouth,” Gwen said.

“Owen!” I called out.


The cabin eventually got to shore. We all walked onto the sand. “Okay, is anyone else a little creeped by this deserted island?” Gwen asked.

“Why should we be? It’s just like back at Camp Wawanakwa,” I said,. I wasn't lying, the only difference between this place and Wawanakwa is there's no Chris.

"This is obviously just another one of Chris’ stunts with fact cheesy props!” Heather kicked a "fake" rock and it apparently hurt.

“Yo, ‘drama queens’, We obviously just drifted down stream. The producers will send a search party to find us,” Duncan pointed out. “Lets just Chill until the rescue team arrives.”

“What if there isn’t a rescue squad? What if the producers think we’re dead?" Gwen squealed. "I say, we build a raft, and try to sail back to camp,”

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