TDI day 12!

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LaShawna asked if we wanted to play frisbee, me and Gwen said sure, we went outside and started to play, but the loud speaker interrupted us. “Listen up, you little cockroaches! I want all campers to report to the Dock of Shame at 09:00 hours!” Chef yelled. We all looked at each other. What does that mean? “That means now soldiers, NOW!!” We all ran to the dock.

When we got to the dock Chef was there in some war outfit. I stood between Gwen and Lindsay, and had my arms crossed. “Line up and stand at attention. You call this proper formation? Feet together!” Chef said slapping Geoff’s feet. “Arms down!” Chef yelled hitting Duncans arms down. “Eye’s forward! Head up!” Chef said making DJ turn forward and slapping Heather’s head up then hitting everything on Harold. He can over to me, and slapped my arms down.

“Oh this is gonna be a fun day” Gwen whispered to Trent.

“Taking me back to memories of boarding school,” I muttered under my breath.

“What did you say to me soldier?!” Chef asked in the megaphone right in Gwen’s face.

“Um, nothing?” She said.

“And you will continue to say nothing, until I tell you, you can say something” Chef said. Yes, Drill Sergeant! “Today’s challenge will not be an easy one, In fact I do not expect everyone to come out alive.”

Owen laughed, “Ohhhhh!!! That hurt!!!” Owen said when Chef whipped him.

“My orders are to make sure that more of the babies in front of me drop out of my boot camp except 1. The last one standing wins immunity for their team.”

“Uh what happened to Chris?” Heather asked. I agreed. We haven’t even started the challenge and I’d already prefer Chris over Drill Sergeant Hatchet.

“Rule #1! You will address me as Master Chief! Have you got that??!!” Chef asked.

“Yes Master Chief!” We all said. I put my hand up to my head to salute him. He whipped me again.

"Ow!" I rolled my eyes.

“You will speak when I tell you to speak, and you will eat only when I tell you to eat. Is that clear??” Chef shouted in Geoff’s face.

“Yes Master Chief,” Geoff said.

“Rule #2! When you are ready to give up you will walk to the end of the dock and ring the bell. Which brings me to rule #3! Let’s get one quitter by the end of the first day. And that day will not end until someone drops out. Now get your butts down to the beach soldiers now!!” Chef yelled.

We all ran to the beach screaming. There were 2 canoe’s: one red (bass) and one green (gophers) “Listen up! Each team must hold a canoe over their heads. I catch you taking your hands off the canoe and you will be eliminated!! And no one eats lunch until someone drops out.” Chef said. Owen will be the first to quit for sure. “Canoes up!!”

“Pff, this isn’t that hard” Owen said when we started. He was right. WIth 7 people on our team, each holding part of the canoe it was pretty light.

“Piece of cake,” Geoff agreed.  

The sun started beating down on us a couple hours later.

“Yeah, piece of cake,” I said, angry, shifting a little bit.

“Come on you sissy’s! It’s only been 3 hours!” Chef said.

“Looks like they missed lunch today,” Chris said.

“Hmm, guess they just weren’t HUNGRY! Unless someone wants to quit now,” Chef suggested.

Owens stomach grumbled. “Don’t even think about it Owen!” Gwen said.

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