TDI day 16!

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No, that is not a typo. Quizilla (Where I orginally posted my TDI stories) decided it would be a great idea to delete the 15th day I typed. I promise, Nothing happened execpt Celeste lost. :) I will eventually re-type it, but for now please enjoy this one. 


I actually woke up peacefully this morning. It seemed like noone else was here except Bridgette and Heather who were both asleep. I got dress and grabbed my phone. I climbed a tree and texted Noah.

“Hey!” I texted him.

“Hey, why are you up so early?” He asked

“It’s only 9:00”

“And do you really wake up at this time in summer?”

“:) Why are you awake then?”

“Eva is insane.”

“Haha. What did she do?”

“She did an 8 hour workout right outside my room starting at 3am!”

“Oh, that sounds painful.”


BOOM! I jumped back and almost fell off the branch I was sitting on. What was that? It sounded like a canon. Ah! There’s that darn cannon I asked for 6 days ago. "Arrrr, mates," Chris said in a really bad pirate accent, "Meet me at the amphitheater in 5 minutes, and I'll tell you about today's challenge.”  I sighed, and jumped out off the tree. I thought it would be smart to throw my phone in the room before walked to the amphitheater.

I sat next to Gwen once I got there. I looked around and laughed a little, despite the merge, we were still sitting with our old team mates, the gophers on one side, the bass on the other. Old habits die hard I guess. "Well my little scallywags, have I got an adventure stored for ye today!" Chris said,a fake parrot fell of his shoulder, he put it back up.

"What's under the sheet?!" Geoff said. I looked at the stage. There was something under a big white cover that made me nervous.

"All in good time, laddy! Who here has a hankering' for a good old fashion treasure hunt?" Gwen rolled her eyes. "Now this treasure hunts got a twist, mateys. What your lookin' for isn't hidden, and it isn't treasure!"

"If there's no treasure, then what's with the plastic parrot?" Duncan asked.

"Arrr, shiver me timbers! Good question me boy! You're lookin' for key's, to a treasure chest!" Chef pulled the sheet off, to reveal 3 treasure chest, "In each of these chest, is a treasure that will pamper you land lubbers. One of these chest will even give you invincibility. Hu-arr! Now come around, and pull a clue off this bucket, or you'll have walk the plank."

We all went and pulled a clue out. I got the one where it was in the not so safe zone of the lake, in the first challenge. Oh joy! "Haha! Nice, Celeste. You'll be happy to know that it is no longer filled with sharks!" Chris said. I sighed out of relief. At least I don’t have to worry about those. "It's now filled with piranhas!" Well crap then. Owen got a bear. Gwen- skunk hole. Heather- chef's fridge. Izzy- snake. Geoff-septic tank. Trent- shark infested water. Lindsay- beehive. LeShawna-in the middle of 2 alligators. Duncan- in the middle of a ring of fire. DJ- a tree branch. Brigette- a bunny. Just… just a bunny. No tricks or anything. It’s a cute harmless bunny. *Sigh* Why? Just why? Chris told us to find our keys, and bring them back by six pm, est. I went and changed into my bathing suit.

I didn't know how I was going to get my key without dying. I laid my towel on the shore and looked at where my key was. It was on a buoy that was on the rope. I figured it might be easier if I jumped down from the cliff and grab it from there. So, after walking up the cliff after countless hours I looked down at my doom. I sighed, knowing I would have to do it eventually and jumped. I landed in the safe zone where there were thankfully no piranhas. I climbed onto the buoy and got my key. This was the easy part. The hard part was getting back. I hung onto the buoy while I explored my options. I only had two: drown or swim. Either way I was dead. I took  a deep breath before jumping as far as I could away from the safe zone. I swam as fast as I could, and almost got off with no damage. I was at the net when I felt something hit my foot and bite it. I freaked out and climbed over the circle. I tried to pull it off and succeeded. The next step was what in the world I was going to go with a live piranha in my hands. I chucked it away from me, and it wasn’t having any of that. I swam to shore with it following me. Okay, now, if you are imagining some 1x1 foot baby piranha, you’re going to have to remember, it’s Chris. No. This was 3x3feet with giant teeth and it could kill me. I laid on the beach thinking it was gone when all of a sudden the thing comes out of nowhere and jumps on top of me. It tried to bit my face off, and I didn’t like that idea. I wrestled it until it ran out of breath. Gills, gotta love em. I stood up from the sand, exhausted. I wrapped the towel around me and went back to the cabin.

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