TDI day 19!

932 19 2

Chris made us watch a scary movie for no apparent reason. Can't complain, not that I was going to anyway. The only problem I had was the people around me.  “He’s coming out of the woods with a big hacking chainsaw,” Izzy gasped, “That’s so cool!”

“Oh no! Psycho killer man is headed for the car!” Owen said, scared.

“Yo! Fool couple! Stop making out…AND START THE CAR!!!” LeShawna yelled at the screen. She threw popcorn at it.

“They’re going to be chain saw sushi,” Izzy laughed.

“Great Canadian Cheese! Now the car won’t start!” Owen screamed.

See what I mean? Big wusses, its obviously fake. They cant hear you, and thank you Owen for narating what was going on for me.

“Aw, man. I really hate scary movies!” DJ said, watching the movie through his fingers.

“Run! The psycho’s gonna get ya!” Izzy yelled at the screen. DJ gasped, than covered his head with his hands.

“Here comes the bloodfest!” Gwen said. I sat up in my seat and smiled. Best part... They cornered the guy and cut off his head using a saw. “Yeah!”

“Sweet!” I agreed.

“Yeah! Good ending! Izzy loves scary movies!” Izzy said, jumping into Owen’s arms.

“So does Owen,” Owen said, slyly. Dj and Duncan gave him a thumbs up.

“*Few* am I ever glad that’s over. I really hate scary movies,” DJ said, sitting up. Figures. DJ doesn't seem like the "brave" type.

“Oh yeah. What scares you most? The, uh, part where everyone meets a grizzly death?” Duncan asked DJ, “Or the part with the psycho killer with a hook?” Duncan pulled out a hook and DJ freaked. We all laughed.

“Aw come on, DJ. For a slasher flick it was pretty tame,” I said.

“There was hardly any hacking. Not like ‘Bloodbath 2: Summer Camp Reign of Terror!’” Duncan said.

“No way! That's my favorite movie,” Gwen said.

“Same! I love the part when he puts that chick’s finger under the saw and cuts it off clean,” I stood up.

“I love when the killer jams that guy's hand inside the lawnmower," Gwen stoof up beside me.

"Or when he pushes that chick off the dock and she lands on a propeller blade that slices her in half,” Duncan said, walking over to us.

“Or when he shoves that big dude's head inside the wood chipper!” Duncan, Gwen, and I yelled at the same time. DJ jumped into LeShawna’s lap while Gwen, Duncan, and I did a three-way high-5.

“Awwwww, looks like Gwen, Celeste, and Duncan have more in common than bad fashion sense. Nothing but mindless guts and gore,” Heather said.

“Horror movies aren't mindless,” Gwen said.

“Yeah, they're loaded with psychological trauma. Look at DJ,” Duncan pointed out. LeShawna pushed DJ off her lap.

“Whatever, does anyone have any idea what our challenge will be this week?” Heather asked.

“Yeah, where’s the Chris-myster?” Geoff asked.

We all went down to the dock. When we got there, Chef was loading crates and bags in the boat of losers that Chris was in. “Yo, Chef. Where’s the fire?” Duncan asked Chef. Chef ran in the boat, and Chris started it, and they ran away. They looked scared, or worried.

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