TDI day 18!

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Forgive me for all the typos in this chapter. I typed it all on my phone, and spell check doesn't work on it.


Duncan, Gwen, LeShawna, DJ, Owen, and I were playing Frisbee. Heather and Lindsay were on the dock, trying to kill a fly. A fly landed on Heather's nose and Lindsay hit her in the face with the fly swatter. I smiled. Heather grabbed it and hit Lindsay in the face several times. "Oooohhhhhh!" Geoff howled all the way from the confessional.

"Sounds like Geoff's having a hard time accepting Bridgette's gone! Huh?" LeShawna said.

"Sounds more like he's constipated," I pointed out. That cry is not from sorrow, it's from pain.

"Yeah. He's so weak," Duncan said.

"Baby come back. Any kind fool can see. Something, something... about you! Hey Bridge, sending out mucho love to... wherever it is that the Boat of Losers takes you," We could here Geoff wail out from the confessional. I covered my ears from that horrid noise.

"We better go check on him."

"Make him stop singing while you're at it," I complained. I think my ears are bleeding.

"Wait, what about our game?" LeShawna asked.

"Check on him?" Gwen said, "Since when did Duncan get feelings?"

"When he started dating Courtney," I said with a smirk on my face. Something about Duncan having a girlfriend is just funny. She didn't appear to hear me.

"Since they started up their guys alliance," Heather said, "Duncan's no fool. He needs Geoff's voter to stay in it."

"Hey! Maybe we should try to form a girl's alliance,again," The dumb blonde said. Yeah, 'cause that worked out so well last time. Heather hit her with the fly swatter. "Or not."

"Morning, campers," Chris said over the loudspeaker, "Your next challenge waits for you in the arts and crafts center."

We walked down to the arts and crafts center. "Welcome to the arts and crafts center." Chris said.

"More like the arts and crap center," I said. It wasn't false. The "center" was a crappy shed with random junk in it.

"Yeah...It used to be an outhouse, but now it's where Chef parks his motorcycle," Chris kicked down the door.

"Sweet!" I said, looking at the bike. All the guys were amazed by the motorcycle, too. THe girls didn't seem to notice or care.

"Which brings us to your next challenge, building your own wheels."

"HOT RODS! YES! AWESOME! GIVE ME FIVE!" Owen said, holding his hand out for a high-5. No one accepted it. After a couple of weeks, the guy should know that we don't get excited about these things. "Whooooo, whooooo, whoooo?"

"You'll find all the parts you need in our bike depot."

"Bicycles!? Less awesome, but still good? Right?"

"Once you collected the basics, trig them out anyway you want using props from the arts and crafts center. Best design wins!" Chris said, driving off on a four wheeler, "and, just to be a nice guy, I'm even throwing in a bike maunal!" He threw us a crappy book with fur.

"Eww! It's furry!" Heather said, dropping the book on the ground.

"Ooh! Cool! Mold spores!" Izzy said.

I jumped back, "And it's moving!" The "book" moves about an inch to the left. There is no way I am touching that.

"Eh! We get first dibs," Heather called running in the shed. We tried to go in the arts and crap center but Heather shut the door on us. "Oh! Uh-uh! We're going in first. You'll just have to wait your turn. Or you can save yourself the effort and not bother at all." A bird pooped on her head, disagreeing with her.. She ran off screaming while I smiled.

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