Celeste's Bio!

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I found these on Total Drama wiki and really wanted to do one for Celeste. So, here you go!


What’s your best quality?

My abilty to speak 3 languagues. That or my fighting skills. Both can be useful at different times.

Faves? (Music, colour, movie, food)

-Anything that isn't Pop


-The King's groom-such a great movie!

-My mom's pasta

Describe your craziest dream.

I once had a dream that my sister and I were best friends. We went to the mall and bought high heal shoes and dresses! *shudders* It was horrible!

Best memory from childhood?

The time I won the school spelling bee in 4th grade

Most embarrassing moment at school?

Five minutes after the spelling bee when my sister and her friends gave me a swirly. 

Describe the first job you ever had.

Tutoring the dumb kids at boarding school. In return, they would pay me. I wasn't supposed to be paid (it was against school rules) but they were too dumb to know this rule.

Ten years from now, what are you doing?

Teaching an ESL class at my old boarding school and hopefully I'm married by then, or at least have a cat named Kuro.

My dream date would be with ___________, doing what?

Oh man... I'm going to say the obvious answer of with Noah. We would be making fun of teen reality shows while eating popcorn. 

It’s the last day on earth. In one sentence, what would you do?

Hanging out with my friends so I get to at least go out laughing.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2013 ⏰

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