TDI day 11!

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“So last week’s challenge exposed a few Gopher issues” Chris said. Glad we are starting the day off with a positive subject. Gwen, LeShawna, and I all looked/glared at Heather. “And I’m sensing something a little funky floating in the bass pond too...” Duncan nudged Courtney. She pushed him down. “So this week’s challenge is gonna be centered around building trust. Because all good things begin with a little trust." I went to the confessional. /"If Chris thinks I'm going to trust Heather, he is officially out of his mind."/ “There will be 3 major challenges that will have to be completed by two or more members of your team.” Duncan rolled his eyes. “Normally we’d like to have the campers choose their partners but not this time, more fun for me!” So, its like school.

We all went to the first challenge which was at a wall of a mountain. “Ok, so for the first challenge you’ll be doing an extreme free hand rock climbing adventure. DJ and Duncan will play for the Bass, Heather and Gwen for the Gophers,” Chris said. “Here’s your belay and harness” Chris tossed it to both teams. Heather took the harness and belay from Gwen.

“Hey! What's your damage?” Gwen asked.

“If you think I’m letting you hold me up your nuts,” Heather said.

“You won’t be holding her up exactly” Chris said. “One camper pulls the slack threw the belay as there partner climbs. If the climber falls then the belay will stop them from crashing.” Goodbye, Gwen. “The catch?” You paired up complete opposites on both teams and therefore the climber will die? “Both the sides and the bass of the mountain are rigged with a few minor distractions like, rusty nails, slippery oil slicks, mild explosives and a few other distractions.” Chris said.

“Wicked” Harold said.

“The person on belay must also harness there partner up. It’s all about trust people, and remember never let go of your rope, your partner’s life depends on it.” Chris said. Don’t tell Heather this! She now has a reason to drop Gwen.

Duncan started putting the harness on DJ. “Never tried this before, have you?” DJ asked.

“Oh yeah, they teach you how to climb walls in prison all the time,” Duncan said sarcastically making me giggle a bit.

While he was putting the harness on him DJ’s bunny came out of his pocket. “Aw sorry little buddy, you can’t come up with me” DJ said taking bunny out of his pocket. “You can trust Geoff, he’s my buddy. Yo Geoff, hold bunny while I’m on the rocks, thanks G.” DJ said giving bunny to Geoff.

“Sure man, little furry dude, what's up?” Geoff said holding bunny. Holy crap that bunny was adorable. It was grey with big black eyes that shined in the light, and it was so fluffy, and little, and dawwwwww.

DJ and Gwen started going up the wall. The explosives went off and Gwen fell but Heather saved her, surprisingly. Maybe she might live after all. Duncan held up DJ who was getting in the lead.

Chris took out a water gun and shot Heather with hot sauce. “UGH! What the heck Chris!!??” Heather said when he sprayed her. She let go of the rope making Gwen fall. I take back what I said earlier.

He sprayed Duncan who was wearing sunglasses and swallowed most of it. Duncan licked his lips “Is that the best you can do?” Duncan asked.

Gwen got back up more and was starting to get ahead of DJ. “Come on Gwen, you don’t wanna fall behind,”Heather said pulling an extra rope and making Gwen’s skirt rip off. It fell on DJ’s face.

“Ah!” Gwen yelled.

Duncan took his sunglasses off “Well, you don’t see that everyday” he said.

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