From Beginning to End:Chapter 20

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Oh my gosh Chapter twenty already. We've come a long way and now its time to get into drama, drama, more drama, and of course our characters. Let me just say there will be major twist.

I read my story over (for like the first time) and realized I haven't been getting into the charactrer's personality and characteristics. Serena is a fashionista, Kalee a talker, and Tamara a cool girlty slash tomboy. Or maybe just girly. Well thats about to change. I'll get into it more and of course include the drama.

I can't stop saying that haha. But its hatd not to. So.....lets get one with the show. Btw when you don't see someone's name and their point of view before the chapter starts and its just blank it means its Serena's point of view.

Vote, Comment, and Fan. Love ya!


I stood frozen as everyone behind me watched. I just came from a fun time with girls I thought were bimbos and here was a boy standing on my steps, telling me my family's in danger. A boy who hadn't spoken to me in weeks?

"What are you talking about Alex? And how did you get into my house?"" I asked as I stepped forward, letting my bag drift from my shoulders. Behind me I heard a sigh of relief from Jenna. Even Thomas was watching this, and I hardly know him!

"Look, my gang is planning something. You have to listen. Its a long story. Come inside and I'll explain." He was speaking in a low voice and looked as if yhe was trying to keep his calm.

"Again,how did you get into my house?"

"It wasn't that hard. You're talkng to a ganf memeber here. I thought you were home but obviously you weren't."

"Alex is in a gang?" Claire asked. Then to herself she mumbled, "Cam never told me that."

I turned back to my friends. "I think I want to talk to him alone." I turned to Jenna. "Thank you for that wonderfl sleepover and if you don't mind,can you take Tamara and Kalee home?"

"No problem," she nodded.

"I'm not leaving you here with him. Last time you were together, you were in the hospital." Kalee protested.

"Agreed," Tamara said.

I sighed. "Guys I promise I'll use the signal if something happens. I just have to get some answers. I'll talk later."

Being the hard headed girls they are, something I think they get from me, they refused to go. After five minutes of arguing,I think they realized I d,'t give up arguments until I win so they gave up and made me swear on my grandmother's grave I would call them.

I followed Alex inside. "Mom is comg home in a while so talk fast," I told him.

"You smell like dirt," he commented.

"I didn't ask you." I dropped my bag on the counter and reached inside my fridge to get a bottle of water. It was boiling outside and inside. I cranked up the AC as he began to talk. "This is serious, Serena. You can't be moving around whike I talk about this."

I lokd at him and wonderd what it is I saw in him. After telling that story of me and Nathan, and practically reliving it, it seemed as if Nathan caged my heart up again like he did when we together and no boy was aloud access. "I'm gonna shower. Then we're foing to talk about this seriously. Don't touch anything."

"Wouldn't count on it." He called back. "Except mabe a botle of water. Its hot today."

I took a cold shower, washing and my hair in the process. I stepped in my room the way Jenna did this morning, with a towel on her head and body, and wondered how we'ew so much alike. I forgot to ask about the comparision of our rooms.

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