From Beginning to End

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"Mom, hurry up!" I was already out of the door, my bag over my shoulders and my eyes covered by a pair of big sunglasses. 

"Hold on, I need the keys to get there you know," she yelled back. 

I was getting impatient. I was going to see my best friend for the first time in three years today. Cam and I have been friends since we were two. He's also my god brother and, yes, ex- boyfriend. He moved to Westchester but we kept in touch the whole time, keeping each other on task about the drama and fun going on in our schools.  

I was going to be here for six months. Six months with Cam. Maybe being here wasn't by choice but I should at least make the best of it.

"You want me to pick you up or are you going to take the bus?" My mother asked in the car. I was silently wishing she would drive faster.

"Bus, I'll probably be home late."

"Don't stay after midnight; we have to enroll you in to the school tomorrow."

I didn't answer her because I was squealing. We were here, at the cafe I was supposed to meet Cam at. At least I think that was it. Steam cafe, he had texted me.

I walked inside, doing a quick search around.

Then I saw him, sitting at a table with five girls and two boys. But the other people weren’t what I was paying attention to, though.


He turned around, a big smile slipping on his face. "Serena!" He yelled back.

At this point other people were staring but I could care less about that. I ran to him, full force, and gave him a big hug, almost knocking him over. I felt him hug me back and whisper something like, "I can't believe your here."

"Hey!" I was still screaming but it was probably do to the fact I had a huge smile on my face. "Oh my gosh you look so different than you do on screen. Did your blue eye get brighter?"

"Serena," he stopped me. "Take a deep breath, please."

I did. "Sorry, I'm just so excited---"

I was interrupted by the sound of a throat being cleared.

"Oh Serena," Cam began, "say hi to Jenna ," he gestured towards a brunette with really nice waves, "Marci," he now pointed to a tall girl with a nice body feature and really nice dark hair, " Angela and Kirsten," he said finally pointing to a red head and a dirty blonde. Then he turned to me. I was about to tell him he forgot to introduce another girl when he suddenly said, “and that's Claire, my girlfriend."

My eyes grew wide as I stared at the blonde with the wide bang sitting in front of me. Oh my God, she's so much cuter in real life. "Hi," I said excitedly to her. To Cam I said, "She is way out of your league."

"Shut up," he replied, "and this is Derik and John."

Not bad, I thought, checking out the curly Blondie that looked like surfer model straight out a magazine, and the curly brown haired. Then I noticed something shiny in John's hand. "My kind of people," I told Cam, pointing at it.

He finally realized what I was talking about. "Oh yeah. Serena's a big soccer fan," he told them, throwing an arm around my shoulder. "But we can easily take her."

I shook his arm off. "What did I tell you about dreaming stuff you know are impossible to come true?"

Suddenly, a pair of hands covered my eyes. "How's the world's sexiest girl?" the deep voice said behind me.

"Chris!" I shrieked, whirling around. Cam's older brother smiled as he hugged me.

"Hey Rhee," he said, grinning his famous grin that made girls just melt into puddle. It evens works on me. "I heard you were coming today."

"Cam didn't tell you? Oh well, I'm just glad to see you. What are you doing here visiting me? It's Saturday, you should be on a date."

"I am, she's right over there," he told me pointing at a tall, slim girl checking out the drinking menu. "But I had to visit my favorite girl first."

Hearing this, I saw Marci winced. She probably has a crush on him. All girls do. He was one of those tall, dark brown haired guys with bright green eyes and muscles that screamed "Yeah I work out every week!"

"Thanks, but don't keep your date waiting or you might never see her again."

He shrugged." Then I'll call the next one." We laughed at this.

I was just like him, except he probably had three times the dates I've had. We, well I, had never had a real boyfriend for so long and I don't plan on getting either. Dating is easier and less complicated.

"Go," I told him.

"Here," Cam said to me, holding out a piece of paper after his brother made a beeline to the corner of the tiny restaurant where his date was waiting.

"What is this?"

"Just read." I glared at him and he added, "Please."

One," I read aloud, "' go horseback riding'. Hell no. 'Two, go ice-skating'. Ok. 'Three, have a big soccer battle'. Definitely. 'Four, go bowling'. I have to think about that. 'And five, find you a...boyfriend." I read the last one in my head on more time to make sure it was there. It was. "Have you lost damn mind?"

"We'll have to work on that, but I promise it'll be worth it," he told me quickly.


"Just try, for me." He made his puppy face which really didn't look like a an actual dog's puppy dog face. A camel's yes, but a puppy, no.

"What part of hell no don't you understand?"

"Come on, you have to let it go, move----"

"Oh he's here," Derik said, getting up, "we have to go."

Before looking at who he was talking about, I saw the girl's face turn into those flirty ones. Oh dear, I immidietly thought, it's probably another Chris.

And when I turned, I saw that it was another version of Chris but complete different. Just the eye catching type. I felt it.

From Beginning to EndWhere stories live. Discover now