Safe & Sound

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This was the moment. This was the exact moment I've been waiting for, for the last several weeks. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, what I was hearing. My body fluttered, even after all the torture mentally, emotionally and physically, she still had a way to make me feel different. She made me feel alive. 

I looked up at her beautiful face, even with makeup smears and what seemed to look like bruises she still looked more than perfect to me. 

"Zack!" She gasped, saying my name again. 

She began crying harder. A smile appeared but she soon cover it up with her hand. She stood in shock and in awe. I couldn't help but smile as big as I could. I began walking closer to the back of the ambulance, but immediatley stopped. She pushed all the EMT's that surrounded her out of her way and ran out the back, jumping into my arms. 

That exact moment was just a blessing experience. I never imagined holding her ever again. Her skin jumping into mine, made everything these pass weeks go away. Her smell surrounded me, it still had that feminine flowery smell that I loved and missed smelling everyday. She was so warm in my arms. It felt like a dream. I missed her soft brown hair. Her precious eyes and smile. Her skin touching mine. Her gorgeous face. I missed her voice, saying my name. And now it was her. Everything I've been praying for was in my arms, for good. 

I looked up to the sky and smiled. I shut my eyes as I embraced her even more. I clutched my arms around her tiny physique. I pressed my face into the side of her neck. She wrapped her arms around my neck and cried into my shirt. I rubbed her back, trying to soothe her. 

"Zack, oh my god.." She whispered into my chest, with sobs. 

"Shh." I rubbed her back. I held onto her waist, making circles on her hip. She cried even harder. 

I couldn't help but shed a tear or two. I couldn't believe I had her. The feeling she had over me was something crazy. I never knew I could experience this type of feeling. Just having her in my arms, without really saying anything was perfect. I wanted her. I needed her. Just having her in my precense felt like a dream. 

I pulled back, making sure this was real. It was hard determining whether it was real or not, being with her and seeing her seemed unreal. She was too perfect.

Seeing her tear streaked face broke me. I never wanted her to feel pain, whether it was mental or physical. I wanted to protect her, be there for her. I never want to put her in that predicament again. If I have to take her with me on my job, then that was that. I'd drag her with me if I had to. 

I raised my hand towards her soft cheek and wiped the tears away. 

"Kendra, baby." I spoke above a whisper. 

She teared up more. 

"I miss you saying my name, Zack." She tried smiling. 

I smiled back and looked at her. Her beautiful eyes were mezmorizing.  "I miss you, saying my name." I smirked, before pulling her back into my arms. I squeezed her in my arms, wanting her never to leave my hold. She did the same, probably feeling the same way. 

"I'm sorry this ever happened to you." I spoke into her brown hair. 

She seemed to sob and shook her head into my chest. 

"This was never your fault. I'm so sorry, Zack." She cried. 

My heart broke as she said those words. I hated that she put all this on her. It angered me that Shane did all this and Kendra still took all the blame. 

"Kendra," I cupped the back of her head. I tilted my head to get closer to her ear. Our foreheads  nearly touching. I looked in her eyes, she looked at me through her lashes.  "This was never your fault, baby. Please believe me." 

She shivered against my body. 

We just stayed like that, embracing each other. Holding each other. Loving each others precense. 

My Hot Roommate (Zack Merrick)Where stories live. Discover now