Chapter 26

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Adams POV -

I breathed heavily as I whizzed down the ice, my hot breath steaming infront of me in little clouds.

" Adam!"
The shout came from my left, it was charlie, knowing I was ready he slid the puck towards me and I caught it with my stick and sent up a spray of ice as I stopped by the goal, with a quick shot the puck soured past Goldbergs right shoulder and landed snugly in the back on the net.

" yes!" i shouted as the buzzer sounded. I pulled by helmet of and shook my hair Skating towards the side.

Coach was clapping on the bench.
" well done everyone, that was a great practice, I think we will be alright, considering we've lost a player  now all of you get in the changing rooms "

We cheered, God I was exhausted.
I was the last in the line to go into the changing rooms and as I passed coach he put his hand on my shoulder.

" wait a second adam, how's the face? " he said concerned.

I self consciously touched the forming scar.
"Its getting better, thanks coach " I said.
Coach nodded and looked down at the floor.
"....And any word from naomi?"  he continued.

" No coach " I replied, I guess he saw the change in my face so he gave me a sad smile and sent me on my way.

I walked into the changing rooms and weaved through the team to get to my locker by charlie.

I sat myself down on the bench and undid my skates,stuffing them into my bag, I was just tugging me practice jersey over my head when someone called my name.
I threw my jersey into my bag and looked up, charlie was holding my phone infront of me , it took me a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the screen and the ringing, charlie helped me along the way.

" Dude it's Naomi! "he said smiling.

Happiness flowed through me as I grabbed the phone and stabbed the awnser button.

" Hello " came the faint voice from the other end.

Charlie yelled for everyone to be quiet as I pressed the phone closer to my ear.

" Hey Naomi, you there? " I said. My voice shaking

" Yeah Adam " her voice still sounded weak, like she was crying.

" Hey are you alright? " i said, my happiness now replaced with concern.

" I don't want to be on the team anymore" She said.

That shocked me.

" what?! " I said, the team behind me fell into a creepy silence as they strained to listen.

" I don't want to play on district 5, or be friends with you anymore "

" are you serious...? " i said, my voice now as weak as hers.

This couldn't be true, this couldn't be her.

" who's making you say this?" i shouted.

It was silent for a while before she awnsered.

" no one, I just don't like you anymore, you or that crappy hockey team. Can't you see how much trouble you've caused me!" her voice was cold.

".. You don't mean that.. " I said.

" yes I do, so you and the ducks can leave me alone. I don't want to see you ever again, I'm perfectly fine without you "she said, I could just about hear her voice crack at the end.
" Naomi! We both know thats not true, Naomi? " I shouted but It was too late, and I groaned as she hung up.

I threw the phone into my bag and sank down onto the bench with my head in my hands.

The room was silent, no-one knew want to say. I heard someone sit beside me.
" What did she say Adam, was it bad ?" Charlie asked.

I stayed silent.
" Come on Adam, answer us " Megan continued.

"It's bad guys....really bad" i said.

" It can't of been that bad " charlie said.

I rubbed my face with my hands and looked up.

"It is,she just said that she hates me and the team. she never wants to see or play hockey with us ever again!" i said

The room fell silent.

" She can't of ment it..." megan mumbled.

" Yeah, it doesn't sound like her " added Charlie.

I thought for a moment, this couldn't be her. Naomi would never say this......willingly.
We're all she has, and we all know it.

I stood up,
" You're right, there's something wrong here "

I jogged out of the changing room charlie close at my heels. This had gone on too long, I was determined to do something about it.

" Coach!" I shouted when I saw his figure at the end of the corridor.

He turned as I caught up with him.

" What is it adam, is something wrong? " he said concerned.

" It's Naomi Coach, I think she's in trouble "

" And you've only told me this now?! " coach said.

" We didn't think it was our business to say" I said.

" You still should have come to me, Naomi being bullied and abused in her own home! orphanage too "

There was a moments silence before coach spoke again.

" Well , I'm glad you came to me now, so we can try to put a stop to this... I'm calling the police"
Coach fished his phone out of his pocket and we followed him into his office.


" Are you serious! " coach yelled down the phone.
A mumbled response came from the other end before beeping to an end.

I stood up from the chair I was sitting in.
" what did they say!?" i said urgently.
but coach just put his hands to his face and sat down.

" Coach? " charlie said.

He looked up at me and shook his head.
I pulled my hand through my hair in frustration.
" They said they've had a couple minor reports from that home before ...  But a lack of evidence has lead them nowhere " coach said with a sigh.

" What about naomi, can't they do anything? " i said.

" I'm sorry Adam, they can't do anything without proof. I'd go over there myself but I'd probably get arrested in the process " he finished with a sigh.

I turned and stormed out of the office.

I couldn't belive what I was hearing. Who would help her now!
I felt so bad, Naomi is my friend and I have to sit here and just watch it get worse for her.

I screamed In anguish and hit the wall.
" Damn it! " I sighed as I slid down the wall and brought my hands to my face.

I'm so so sorry Naomi.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2017 ⏰

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