chapter 12

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Naomis POV

As i came down for breakfast the next day I kept my head down as my little "accident " yesterday had spread through the orphanage like wildfire and as i walked into the mess hall i was greeted with whispering and giggling behind hands.

I tried my best to ignore them and sat at a table in the corner on my own on the way grabbing an apple and a mini carton of milk.

As i sat down i saw amy smirking from a table down the far end

I gave her a dirty look and took a bite out of my apple

I pulled out my Agatha Christie paperback "evil under the sun "

And engrossed myself in the mystery , I had just got to the climax of the book

When I was interrupted

"hey there bookworm "amy said in a sickly sweet tone

"hi life ruiner "i said with a sarcastic smile trying to not act like she had affected me and I had not cried for an hour after what had happened.

Her smile turned into a scowl

I continued

"soo what are you planning today, some normal bullying or are you going to spice it up a bit with some head in toilet bowl dunking?"

Her face when red

"you'd better watch your mouth drippy or suddenly you will find its not there anymore!"she hissed

I sighed and stood up grabbing my book and milk

"whatever" i said as I started to Walk away

Then she grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to her so only one could hear her.

"i mean it loser now scram! "she hissed

She shoved me and I stumbled

I was going to shove her back but decided that it wasn't worth it and I was already in Mrs Staffords bad book

I sighed and thundered up the stairs and into my room

I decided to go out and just have a walk so I took my bleached denim jacket and my black gold diggers and walked down the stairs and i caught my reflection in the mirror in the hallway and quickly pulled my hair into a messy ponytail and walked out of the house.

I walked down the empty street glad that it was sunny and not raining like last time.

I decided to make my way over to a park wich had a small iced over lake With a bench i liked to sit at when I felt lonely.

As i walked down the grassy path towards the lake I saw a boy rollerblading quite a way away.

"excuse me honey could we go past you please "

I turned around to see an elderly woman with a exited german shepherd on a leed

"oh of course! "i said as I stood at the side to let them pass

"thanks"she said as she walked past me

i took my phone out of my pocket and started to scroll through my music when i heard a bark and a shout

"come back here boy, come back!!!!!"

i looked up to see the german sheperd running towards the boy rollerskating

"aaaaaaahhhhhhh"the boy screamed

the boy swerved as not to hit the dog and swerved out of controll and he started to skate fastly out of control

straight towards me

also there was a bench in the way so i was trapped

"aaaaahhhhhh"we both screamed in unison as we both slammed into each other and fell aside by side onto the grass

"uurrgghh"i groaned as i lay on the grass

suddenly he jumped up and nelt beside me

"are you ok! m soo sorry !"he babbled

"yeah im fine"i groaned as i sat up and rubbed my back

"im so sorry...."he kept on bambling on

then i looked up at him to finally see who he was

as i wached him babble on about how sorry he was i saw his blond hair bob up as he shook his head as he apologised.

it was the boy that saw me fall out the door!!!!!!!!

what if he recognised me!!!!

i scrambled to my feet and started to stumble out a goodbye

"wait a minute that girl are you okay, who are you who, did that to you are you okay?????!!!!!!!"

"im okay now im fine goodbye"i stumbled out and walked away

"woah hold your horses!!"he said

i sighed and turned around to face him

"at least tell me your name"

i sighed and smiled "my name is naomi winters"

"my name is adam banks its nice to meet you"

we shook hands

he smiled and his crystal blue eyes sparkled

"sooooo what actually happened the other day...ummm .....i was actually woried even though.........well i dont know"he blushed

" well i tripped down my steps ..umm...its no big deal"i said

"i did come over to your house to see if you were okay but your mum is really strict "he said

i smiled if only he knew

"um sooo can i have your number all of my freinds are kinda not my freinds anymore"he blushed and scrached the back of his head

I was shocked no one had asked for my number before and this boy was and he did not know about my background so that was a bonus.

He seemed really nice and kind so I went for it.

"sure "i said

He took his phone out and i read my number out to him as he typed it into his Contacts.

When I had done i looked up to see him smile.

"well I've got to get home soooo I'll text you "he said

I nodded as i wached him skate away.


Still Naomis POV

*later at the orphanage *

I was in my bedroom just reading a book when my phone buzzed beside me.

I reached for it and saw that adam had text me

Adam: hi Wuu2

Naomi: nothing much

Adam: are you doing anything on Saturday?

Naomi :nope I'm Free

Adam: do you want to hang out?

Wow i thought to myself Mrs Stafford would certainly not let me....... But who cares about that old bat.

Naomi: yeah why not, where?

Adam: outside yours Saturday 10 o'clock?

Naomi: okay

Adam: great

Naomi :see you then bye :-)

Adam: :-)

I put my phone down and breathed a happy sigh finally at least one friend in this world and he seemed pretty nice

And plus I kinda liked him too

A/N hello everyone hawks Vs ducks next whoops spoilers :-) :-) enjoy

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