chapter 3

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A/N above is megans roller skates

Adams POV continued

We luaghed and skated all the way to the lake but when we got there the rest of the team had not arrived.

"So do you want to play one on one ?"i said sitting on the bench to tie up my skates

"Oh your oooonnn cakie"she said and skated of to the goal with the puck

I laughed and skated off in persuit

I stole the puck from her and skated down to the goal "and hello everyone this is the legendary adam banks going in for the goa....."megan pushed me over and stole the puck

"Legendary my butt!!!!"she laughed as she skated away.

I laughed and got up following her down the ice.

Suddenly megan hit a peice of bumpy ice and fell over

"Ahhh "i screamed as i tripped over her stick and fell to the ground next to her.

We stayed there for a moment laughing untill megan broke the silence

"I knew you screamed like a girl"


Then we heard a indian call and we turned around to see who it was it was the team everyone charlie(spazway),lester (averman )tommy (megans brother)the hall twins (jesse and timmy) connie (the velvet hammer)gouldberg (the goalie)guy,karp ken wu (mini bash brother) and fulton (him and megan made the bash brothers they were the inforcers and me and charlie were the scorers me and charlie we had been best freind since i had joined the team.

Me and megan laughed and shouted hello by this time they had formed a ring around us

I looked at megan "this is weird "i said

Then eveything snapped into action

"ATTAAAAAACK "averman shouted and they all got snow balls frm behind their backs

"Uh oh " me and megan smiled

"SNOWBALL FIIIIIIGHT "charlie screemed throwing the first snow ball it hit megan square in the face and then there was snow everywere guy hit connie on the head and watched as snow trickled down her face then goulberg hit me on my neck and i span around "thats it "i screamed "stick gloves shirt "i said approaching gouldberg

"Uh oh come on man what did i ever do to you..."he squeeled

I laughed as i threw my stick down and threw my gloves off i grabbed his head and pulled his shirt over it then i grabbed some snow and stuffed it up his shirt he screamed and pushed me over i grabbed hid arm and pulled him down with me.

we laughed and coulent be bothered to get up so we just wached megan runn after charlie shouting "come here spazway ive got to have a word with you!!!!!!!"


20 minutes later

We were all lying red faced on the snow watching our breath in little clouds

I looked at my watch it was seven o'clock "guys im gonna head home " i stood up and brushed myself off "bye guys "i called and heard murmurs in reply

"Bye adam "

"Toodle pip"

"Later cakie "

"See you tomorrow banks"

"Bye " i called back and picked up my stuf and headed to walk home

About half an

Hour later it had gotten dark and had started to rain i was walking past this big building when suddenly something was thrown in front of me i stared open mouthed at the girl in front of me she groaned and looked around then she saw me she stumbled to her feet and stared at the floor i gasped as i saw the flow of blood coming from her nose and she covered it up quickly then she turned to run i snapped out of my trance and dropped my stick in an attempt to grab her shoulder i turned he around and asked her if she was ok she said she had tripped i was about to say that I diddent believe her but before I could she sprinted down the street

I sighed and picked up my stick.

When I got home I went straight to bed and as I lay down I couldn't help thinking about her

I thought about calling charlie to tell him about it but it was too late I would call in the morning

As I fell asleep I couldn't help thinking about her

Who was she?

Was she ok?

Who pushed her?

These questions floated around my head as I fell asleep.

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