chapter 6

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Adams POV

As i walked away from the building i couldent help feeling worried ,annoyed and confused if she diddent live there them where did she live?

I sighed and shook my head maybe i was being too paranoid the girl was fine she diddent need my help she was probably sitting at home with her parents.

I pushed all the thoughts of her deepdown and went home.

Next day

I skated down the street on my way to practice . Coach had called me last night and told me we all had to practice our skating skills so we were all to meet outside of mickeys diner and then we would skate all around town.

As i arrived at mickeys diner I saw the team and i joined ken wu , megan and fulton "hi guys " i said as coach came to us and said "hey guys were just going to practise skating so everyone follow me please ,then he got onto his bike and started to cycle away we all started to follow him and soon we were skating on long path.

I looked around and saw guy and connie holding hands skating together I nudged megan and she looked over "Aww "she said "their soo cute together"

"i diddent think you were the soppy type megatron "i heard charlie say skating up to us "hey you better shut Ur mouth spazway " she laughed

Megan and charlie have allways had this love hate relationship and we're allways winding each other up for fun I watched and laughed as charlie said "just because you won't get a boyfriend like ever!" megan started shouting at him but he skated out of her reach and laughed as he skated away

" you can run but you can't hide charlie!!" then she looked at me and we both started laughing then we just started to talk about random things untill we heard a shout.

I looked up and saw gouldberg skate out of control and charlie trying to catch up with him to stop him

But it was too late gouldberg had already knocked into guy and sent him spiralling of the path,

we all followed him as he gradually got faster and faster spinning out of control

Then we all gasped as he slid towards a busy road

"watch out guy!! "i heard connie yell she looked really worried

Connie was trying to catch guy and stop him getting to the road

"connie guy Watch out!!"

I heard coach shout

But it was too late guy and connie had swerved into the road they dodged the swerving cars and then managed to stop in the middle

They turned around

"What do we do? "guy shouted to coach

Connie was grasping onto guys arm.

As he put a protective arm around her
"wait until there's no cars then skate really fast to the other side okay!!! "coach shouted over the noise of the traffic

"okay" guy shouted

They looked right and then left

The coast was clear

I heard guy say to connie "you go first.... please"

I saw connie nod and she set of for the other side followed by guy

But they diddent see the car coming out of the turning to their left

"watch out!!!!"i heard charlie shout

We all heald our breath watching helplessly

Guy had seen the car approaching before connie had

He quickly pushed connie on to the safety of the grass

And then BAM

"GUYYYY" connie screamed as she lay on the grass

The car hit guys legs as his body slammed into the bonnet and his head smashed against the window screen

Connie screamed as his limp body fell to the ground.

"GUYYYY " we shouted as we skated into the road not caring about all the cars swerving around us

As we approached we saw that guy was bleeding and connie was crying over him with his head in her lap

We crowded around guy

He had blood coming out of a gash in his forehead

I took of his helmet and looked at megan who was at his feet

"Adam....his leg..."she said

"it's broken "said fulton

I looked up at coach who was walking towards the car

Then the car backed up

"watch out guys!! "

Coach shouted

Then the car drove away "€§£^€~@##"shouted coach

"i can't believe it it was a hit and run!"said charlie

Coach came back and crouched by guy and checked his pulse

" he is alive " coach said

Everyone breathes out

"Adam call the police and the ambulance "

"okay "i said fishing my phone out of my pocket

And dialing 999

@):- @):- @):-

We all watched as the paramedics carried guy into the ambulance with connie still holding guys hand

"excuse me miss but you can't come with us your going to have to visit him later... Sorry"

Connie nodded and slowly let go of guys hand putting it gently over his chest

And stepped back

She Watched as they drove away

Connies shoulders started to shake as she put her head in her hands and started to cry

I walked up to connie and put an arm around her shoulder as she cried "it's all my fault why did it have to be him why not me!!!"she sobbed

"no it isn't he saved you you both could be in that ambulance "i said

Then coach came over "come on were all going to the hospital in my van"he said

"ok..let's go " connie said


Sorry for really late update i hope this makes it ok :-) :-) :-)

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