chapter 15

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A/N hey there just thought i would put this pic up for something different and comment if u know who he is ❤❤btw fave song at the moment is heartbeat kelly Clarkson ❤❤❤❤ thanks Bluegirl-meg25

adams POV

as i woke up i started to panic


why is everything so dark


where am i ..............

no no no

"adam adam! its okay wake up! adam!"

i jolted awake

my dad was holding my shoulders

"thank god your awake son "he said hugging me

i hugged him back

"dad it was like peewee all over again"i said releaved that he was not shouting at me

"your friends were here but they had to go home " dad said

"friends who?"i said puzzled

"charlie and that girl from your old team "he said

"megan ? she is mad at me ?"

"oh my god the game!!!!!! im late coach said we had a practice game against the ducks im late!!!!!" i started to panic trying to throw my blanket off and jumping out of the bed

"adam wait whats wrong with you"

"oww my head!! " i said as i felt my head and the room started spinning

"we need a doctor in here!!!!!" my dad shouted into the hall

the nurce came in and sat me up in bed and gave me some water

i sat up and drank the water

"but dad my game!!"i said

my dad looked at me puzzled and worried

"i will be back in a moment okay adam im going to talk to the doctor"he said as i walked out of the room

"so adam what can you remember happening to you before you came here?"

good question


"i cant remember what happened i..i....dont know"i said shaking my head

she nodded and jotted down a note in her folder

then my dad and the doctor came back into the room and them and they had a whispering conversation in the corner of the room.

Finally the doctor came over to me and sat on a chair beside my bed

"hello adam is it true you cannot remember what happened to you? "the doctor said

"it's strange i can't "i said shaking my head

"okay son when you hit your head on that ice your concussion caused you memory loss
Resulting in the last twenty four hours being wiped from your memory completely
You have already played your match you just can't remember it "

@):- @):- @):- @):- @):-@):-

Five hours of tests later the doctors had told me there was nothing they could do to get my memory back instantly and i would get it back in time.
they also told me to lay off any vigorous activities and in future to tie my helmet straps.

So i had been sent home with my dad.


after two hours of reasoning my mum i was okay i persuaded my mum that i was okay to go out

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