chapter 17

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naomis POV

i jogged all the way home and by the time i had locked myself in my room my smile had still not left my face

i layed down on my bed as my phone buzzed

adam=hi there is a team practice tomorow at the hawks stadium are you coming?

naomi=i would love to


naomi=one problem i dont exactly have or can afford hockey gear! : (

adam= problem solved !! you can use my old kit and skates for the time being as you dont need proper kit for practice and by the time we get to the championships coach will have bought you some proper kit. hows that ? : )

naomi=are you sure you dont mind?

adam=its fine do you want a lift to the rink?

naomi=sure i will meet you at your house, were do you live?

adam=Minnesota 54 banebrook close do you know where that is ?

naomi= yeah im looking forward to it

adam=me too

naomi=see you tomorow then

adam= okay : )

naomi= okay : )

* next day *

naomis POV

i jogged down the road looking for number 54 and finally found it


adams house was huge and almost as big as the orphanage but only his family lived in it

He must be rich

i took a deep breath as i walked up the long gravel path to his house admiring the neatly clipped hedges and the pristine red roses that lined the path.

i walked to the huge oak door and rang the brass doorbell.

adams POV

i paced up and down my hallway waiting for naomi to come so my dad could take us to the stadium

i was freaking out

my dad wouldent enbarrass me infront of naomi

would he?

oh god he is going to embarrass me infront of naomi!!!!

okay adam stop freaking out its only a ten minute drive whats the worst that could happen ?

then the doorbell rang

i took a deep breath, put on my best smile and opened the door

Naomi was standing on my porch wearing a faded pink to blue jumper and thick black leggings with trainers.

"hi do you want to come in " i said
She nodded blushing and stepped into the hallway

Then i remembered yesterday when she hugged me.

Oh god now I was blushing

I quickly duiscised this by poking my head into the kitchen and calling my dad

"dad she is here are you ready?"i said

"i will be there in a minute I'm sure you can entertain yourselves for a minute "he said chuckling

Ah god cringe

Can my dad get any more embarrassing?

I heard naomi giggle behind me
I turned around and walked up to her

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