Midnight Monsters ~Halloween Special~

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The truth behind blood-sucking vampires seemed like a mere folklore, a superstition used in bedtime stories to force stubborn children to fall asleep. Bearing fangs, overwhelming strength, lightning agility, it was enough to send the most brave people's blood run cold in fear. Though, you never succumbed to the intimidating attributes of a vampire, you couldn't. Your ancestors consisted of many vampire slayers, all dying by the hands of vampires able to pierce their blood stained fangs into their neck before they could react. Poor souls, they never stood a chance against the ambush the vampire families created.

The two families were the most sneaky, yet sharp-witted vampire groups you've ever encountered. Even though they both were the same species, rivalries brewed without the human realm knowing of this one weakness. The tension between the two heirs of the rulers of each family continued to tighten until one fatal day, it snapped. War spawned across their two territories, sharp nails slashing each other's bodies, snapping of necks, and vampire hunters were mixed between it all.

A young, black haired male waltzed into the bar with the darkest blue eyes, reflecting the stars twinkling in the sky. He slid a pile of gold Gil across the countertop, the bartender nodding softly in response, sliding a cup of whiskey in return. The alcoholic drink stinged his senses as it slipped down his throat, his eyes sparking red briefly before reverting to their original color. 'Psh, humans and their lust of alcohol. How sickening.' The dark-haired male thought, careful not to snap the wooden cup in half as he gripped it tightly.

His ears perked at the sound of the entrance bell jingling, signaling that someone opened the entrance door. Curiosity struck his mind, examining the brown cloaked figure stalking their way towards the bar area. Whoever this person was, sat directly adjacent to him, their scent wafting its way towards his nose. The cloak shifted by the movement underneath, a small pouch appearing in their fingers. 'Must be a female' The male concluded, intently watching her slim fingers untie the small pouch.

The hood of her cloak slowly slid off her head, revealing her features to both the bartender and curious male. For someone who drank blood for living and held no soul, his once human heart skipped a beat as his pale cheeks burned under the dim lighting. Your eyelids fluttered a little, revealing your e/c irises, your lips glistening underneath their hazy gazes, yet danger should have flashed before the disguised vampire's eyes. Yet, attraction was the only thing the ravenette thought of while examining your mysterious figure. His tongue subconsciously licked over his bottom lip, struggling to keep his fangs from protruding, his mouth drying.

"What's a handsome guy like you doing at this time of night?" You questioned, your voice music to his ears.

"I could say the same to you miss." He replied shortly, chugging down the rest of the remaining liquid in his cup. Perhaps he recently learned the purpose of this intoxicating liquid, to wash away overwhelming emotions that he shouldn't have felt at the moment.

"Hmph, touche." You hummed, tracing the sheathed blade attached to your belt with your fingertips.

"Can I know the name of yours? Ladies first as they always say." He suggested, his somewhat matured voice reaching your ears.

"f-n, what's yours?" You answered, wrapping your fingers around the hilt of the short blade, balancing your breaths. This was a very dangerous, risky life you played with.

"Noctis, but most call me Noct, f-n." Your name slipped off his tongue like butter, Noctis wanting to mutter your name again just to experience the sensation again.

"Alright, Noct." You responded, a tint of coldness laced in your voice.

You almost threw the blade at whoever had the guts to enter the bar at such a little hour, where you planned to eliminate this demonic being from the planet. Both of your gazes flickered towards the male standing at the doorway, flickering his electric blue eyes towards the two of you. A smirk edged on his plump lips, his fangs nearly poking away from their hiding spots.

"Well well well, f-n is your name. You've told this, mortal, your name in such a short time span. Yet, you couldn't even tell me the million times I've asked you?" His voice was dripping with venom, flashing a glare of anger towards the male next to you.

"I have a right to choose who I trust and don't trust. You're on the side I don't trust." You huffed out with a shrug.

"Aw f-chan~ Are you a picky type of girl for whom she cherishes her feelings for?" The blonde asked mockingly, trotting towards the two of you.

"Apparently, the two of you don't know anything about this little lady." The bartender stated before walking towards the back area of the bar, exiting through the rear exit.

"I wonder what that old man was talking about. Who cares though. Bet he chugs down a few bottles of wine during his shifts." The freckled face maled scoffed, raking his cold fingers through his platinum blonde locks.

"Maybe. Do you need a ride to return to your home f-n?" Noctis questioned gentleman-like, lending out a hand towards you.

"Sorry, but I already have a ride." You pushed his hand away in decline, waltzing out of the doorway with a twitching smirk.

Your fingers hooked around the door frame, glancing over at the two madly infatuated vampires eyeing you like candy. "I guess one little escort with two attractive males couldn't hurt." The both of them nearly bolted out of the door at extreme speeds once your eyesight was torn away from them.

Time Skip
The remaining silence during the carriage ride sustained, both males continuing to watch your goddess-like figure with flickering red eyes. A few days have passed since they've been given the chance to feast on any crimson liquid, their saliva drooling in anticipation, sensing the blood pumping through your veins. Noctis struggled to resist chaining you to the cushioned seats with his bare hands, sinking his sharp fangs into the surface of your untouched neck, but Prompto was experiencing opposite thoughts already. The blonde haired heir never could control himself around living blood vessels.

The Caelum and Argentum families were polar opposites. Noctis' family is hailed for wise planning and ambushes, able to restrain themselves from their targets, making the blood sucking rewarding moment even more refreshing and enjoyable. Yet the Argentums were more of the type of vampires who'd feast till daylight, bearing issues of self control and patience. And that's what was happening now. Noctis continuing to appear calm and collected, Prompto barring his teeth as a lousy restraint and clawing at the cushions.

"Something the matter Prompto?" You taunted, tilting your head to the side, revealing more of your neck to him.

"Y-Yeah, I'm f-fine." He answered through caged teeth, having trouble registering the words he's spoken over the craving of blood running through his body.

The black-haired vampire scoffed quietly, hunching forward in his seat, scratching his raven mane with boredom. The three of you jerked forward as the carriage reached to a halt, the door widening open, the moonlight illuminating the atmosphere. You glanced back at them with curiosity, their features appearing more ghostly and dead-like underneath the nightly rays.

"I bid the both of you farewell. I hope we'll meet again soon." You said in farewell, pecking them both on their cheeks. You sprinted towards the dark forest, where your vampire slaying family awaited your return, also wishing new information will be shed about the two heirs.

Noctis' cheek stung from your farewell kiss, tempted to chase you and slam his frigid lips against your own. It was wrong though, a blood lusting vampire to fall in love with a mere mortal. His mind was playing tricks on him with your attractive charisma.

Prompto released a shaky breath into the air, his eyes deepening into crimson red, allowing his teeth to reveal themselves. Through half-lidded eyes, his thoughts were flooded with the memory of your s/c skin, craving the blood running underneath. His eyes flickered towards the opponent next to him, caught in a slight daze. The blonde's nails grew sharp, launching a fatal attack to him before the ravenette dodged it, grabbing his wrist with a single hand.

"If you think brute strength can kill me that easily, your wisdom is quite weak." Noctis states, releasing his wrist from his vice grip.

"Perhaps, unless the prince of the Caelum dynasty has found a new weakness." The other chuckled darkly, a grim smile dawning on his pasty face.

"Touch my future queen and you're dead." The raven hissed, grabbing the collar of his black vest.

"Not if I make her my own first." The blonde leaped away, bolting lightning fast across the houses' rooftops, the dark silhouette of the other following hot on his trail.

Noctis x Reader x Prompto ~One-shots\StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now